Body Transformation Challenge

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Body Transformation Challenge: Final Results

July 10, 2015
Final Stats Total weight lost = 73 Pounds Total inches lost = 52 Greatest reduction in waist = Justin “Koko” Restreppo with 4.5 inches lost Most weight lost = Jim Haff with 25 pounds lost Greatest conditioning change = Suzanne Ellis- Leonard who decreased her resting, working and recovery heart rate and increased all exercises…

BTC Final Results

July 10, 2015
Meg Dennison Throughout this whole challenge I have been challenging myself with new forms of exercise as well as forms I have not utilized in some time. I have probably never done so many squats or lunges in such a short amount of time! I will certainly continue to be active. Chandler Burgess I am…

Coaches’ Corner: Group mentality works

July 10, 2015
  By Kyle Finneron The theme of this edition of the Body Transformation Challenge was “Gain your Independence.” While the core training and programing remained consistent, the thought of freeing themselves from the extra weight they carried around, I believe helped these participants excel. To see the group come together as a whole was really…

Coaches’ corner: Inspiring stories have far-reaching affects

July 10, 2015
By Beth Roberts I always feel a mix of emotions at the final meeting of a Body Transformation Challenge. The best part is the anticipation of their results and the hardest part is accepting that it is the final week we will work formally as a group. The completion of the final measurements and tests…

Coaches’ corner: Don’t forget to breathe

July 2, 2015
  By Kyle Finneron What do you think is the most important variable when you are training? I’ll give you a hint: it’s not your pre-workout drink, or the food you have had for that day. People tend to forget that the most important ingredient to your training success is oxygen. If you don’t believe…

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Coaches’ corner: Keeping the momentum going for the long-term

July 2, 2015
By Beth Roberts, Killington Bootcamp As we end our six weeks of training the public accountability lessens and the apprehension of continuing on their own sets in on the challenge group. Moving into this last week, I would like to offer some advice to all the particpants to help keep their momentum going. The power…

Cauliflower pizza crust, a healthful alternative

July 2, 2015
By Beth Roberts, Killington Bootcamp Cauliflower pizza crust is a great low carb option and delicious healthy alternative to heavy pizza dough. Ingredients: • Nonstick spray • 2 1/2 cups cauliflower, grated • 1 large egg, lightly beaten • 1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese • 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese • Sea salt and…

BTC participant reflections

July 2, 2015
Barb Wood If you had asked me six weeks ago what I would be thinking about this Body Transformation Challenge after week five, I might have told you that I probably would be hating it. But those who know me would know better. I am a competitor. This challenge has really awakened a part of me…

Becoming “perfect self:” Group reflections on week #5

June 26, 2015
Suzanne Ellis–Leonard I am focusing on the young naturally athletic girl I once knew named Suzanne. Once I reach my goal, she’ll be back except this time she’ll have more worldly experiences under her belt (minus the “muffin top”) and a better insight on what life is truly all about.  I see the new and…

Coaches’ Corner: Start with the end in mind

June 26, 2015
  By Kyle Finneron This week I asked all of the participants to think about their lives if they woke up tomorrow and had their ideal body. I wanted them to really imagine what their lives would be like, what would they be doing and how different their life would be. It sounds like a…

Coaches’ Corner: Small victories add up, group reaches a turning point

June 26, 2015
  By Beth Roberts This week at our weekly meeting we hit my favorite point so far. As always we talked about the nutrition plan, discussed how their workouts had gone for the week and how they were feeling about everything. I realized they were on the verge of that pivotal point that is so…

Participant Reflections — Week 4

June 17, 2015
Barb Wood I. Am. Human. I have to keep telling myself this. Humans crave flavorful food. It is my addiction. So how do I manage the day-to-day? I strive to make better decisions about food and exercise. When life presents you with a buffet of options, how do you make the right choice? Someone once told me we have three options: the…

Coach’s corner: Gym etiquette: Part II

June 17, 2015
By Kyle Finneron I would like to start by saying that the previous write up about gym etiquette and the one that follows are in no way directed towards any particular people. These are simply general/universal rules of etiquette that should be followed when in the gym and the weight room. Broken equipment There may…

Coach’s corner: High intensity interval training

June 17, 2015
By Beth Roberts This is the fourth week of the Body Transformation Challenge and at our weekly group training, we challenged the participants with another round of the circuits they had completed the week before. Everyone looked stronger again and some admitted that it felt a little easier already. The rest of our group training…

Why use a challenge to change your habits? 

June 17, 2015
By Beth Roberts Everywhere we look there are different challenges designed to improve your health. There are exercises to add to your daily routine: a month of 30 burpees each day, a month of daily planks, a month of 100 push ups a day. Clean eating challenges to eliminate cravings for unhealthy foods that offer…

BTC alumni news: Cristina Kumka runs 104 miles

June 11, 2015
On Sunday, May 31, Cristina Kumka a previous Body Transformation Challenge participant from Pittsford, ran 104 miles in 48 hour as part of the Endurance Society’s Infinitus challenge. Participants ran a figure-eight loop around Goshen, Moosalamoo and Silver Lake out with headquarters at Blueberry Hill. (The first loop was 10 miles, the second loop was…

Coach’s corner: Etiquette

June 10, 2015
By Kyle Finneron Welcome to the gym. This may be your first time in the weight room or you may be a seasoned pro. Unfortunately, people tend to forget that the gym and the weight room are shared spaces. This being said, there are a few unspoken rules of proper gym etiquette. Let me explain:…

Participant reflections, week 2

June 10, 2015
Barb Wood I’ve really started to hit a groove.  I am trying to work out four or five nights a week. When I can’t make it to the gym, I try to pick up the pace wherever I might be. I wear a Fitbit that tracks my steps. Today, I hit 11,000 steps just working around my…

Coaches Corner: Overcoming obstacles everyday

June 10, 2015
By Beth Roberts When first meeting with a client, I ask them to define any obstacles they feel they must overcome to achieve their goals. Time is almost always in the top three. We all lead busy lives but there is always a way to work physical activity into your day. Just like brushing your…

BTC alumni news: Cristina Kumka runs 104 miles

June 4, 2015
On Sunday, May 31, Cristina Kumka a previous Body Transformation Challenge participant from Pittsford, ran 104 miles in 48 hour as part of the Endurance Society’s Infinitus challenge. Participants ran a figure-eight loop around Goshen, Moosalamoo and Silver Lake out with headquarters at Blueberry Hill. (The first loop was 10 miles, the second loop was…