Living the Dream

Merisa Sherman is a committed ski bum October to June, but don’t worry she enjoys the warmer months too paddling, hiking, biking, running… there’s so much to enjoy in the mountains of Killington and valleys surrounding — Merisa does it all! Live vicariously through here adventures here.

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A June 1 miracle

June 5, 2024
We got there at 7:30 in the morning, a good 90 minutes before the lift was scheduled to spin and discovered an already developed line. Skis and snowboards were laid on the ground, one right after the other, in a line that would eventually extend from the Superstar Quad around the Umbrella Bar and K-1…

Backcountry lessons

February 11, 2025
We all do dumb things in our 20s, right? When you are testing the boundaries of life to see which lines are flexible and which are legit. But in your 20s, you don’t have any experience in life, and you certainly cannot imagine listening to those who went before you. You might not mean to…

Farewell to the Skyeship

February 5, 2025
As we came through the mid-station the other day, the lifty handed us a sticker and asked if we would put it on the cabin for him. Not really paying attention, we took the sticker and looked down. The sticker announced the final days of the Skyeship. That 1990s art gallery in the sky is being…

Bone-chilling cold

January 29, 2025
I can feel my shoulder blades clenching together, harshly forcing my shoulders open. The tightness extends down my spine, stiffening my back to the point where it’s hard to rotate around my lumbar spine. My arms drop from my shoulders, aching pain, and I can feel the tingle all the way down to my fingertips.…

The magic forest

January 22, 2025
I pull my hood over my pompom and duck my head down as low as I can. My body is in the lowest squat I can manage with my ski boots on, and I can feel my tips rising off the snow as my weight drops back. Extending my pole grips out in front of…

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Working it out on the skin track

January 15, 2025
“How much longer until we get to where you are taking me?” I hear the voice reach out from behind me. We’d been skinning (or climbing uphill with our skis on) for about an hour when my ski sister finally decided to ask where we were going. We had started with some work road and…

Fun signs

January 8, 2025
We came in early, which, if you know anything about Team PomPom, is a miracle within itself because we are usually about 15-20 minutes late. As much as I love coaching 5-and 6-year-olds, it is extremely difficult to move them about the mountain in a timely fashion. Bathroom breaks, emergency snacks, bloody noses…they all control…


January 2, 2025
I began this column five years ago, this past November. I started with an article about the Killington World Cup over Thanksgiving Weekend. I was supposed to write a special in-person local introspective on the race and call it a day.  But somehow, that one article evolved into one after the other, and until now,…

Skiing pink snow

December 26, 2024
Stepping out of the gondola a little after 4:10 p.m., we can barely see anything with our goggles on. The sun is scheduled to set in about seven minutes, and you can feel the darkness. The lamps are on along all the wooden railings heading toward the peak lodge, and you can see the patrol…

Hot laps and powder dreams: Living the Killington lifestyle

December 18, 2024
We were skiing everything the weeks around World Cup. Over 5 feet of snow fell in Killington on top of no real base, and man, did we ski it all—Hot laps in the Canyon on 100% natural snow with no end to the greatness in sight. It was a glorious few weeks that will go…

When the dream takes a detour

December 11, 2024
I’ve been to World Series Games in Yankee Stadium during the 1990s, with Pettitte on the mound and 56,000 cheering, the entire structure shaking violently. But I’ve never experienced anything quite like the moment when 39,000 people felt our hearts drop into our stomachs as we went from cheering beyond ourselves, ready to burst into…

Every turn, a trip down memory lane

December 4, 2024
We floated along Upper Royal Flush, enjoying the fresh, all-natural snow beneath our feet. It feels so good, this marvelous gift of nature. Soft, rotary turns as we kept our skis flat on the snow. Using lateral ankle flexion, we can adjust our edge angle to the terrain, letting our bases float over the snow.…

Chairlift games

November 27, 2024
We’ve been riding the same chairlift up the same trail looking at the same trees for weeks now. We all talk about whether or not to choose Trail A or Trail B and then our minds are blown when Trail C opens up!  It’s a snowmaking miracle, giving credit to the combination of Mother Nature and…

The return of ski season in Killington brings winter rejoice

November 20, 2024
It feels like we waited forever, but now I can barely remember the time before the mountain opened. We stared at the weather report for weeks, trying to figure out when the wet bulb would match the requirements for the guns to turn on. It felt like Mother Nature had abandoned us, the Killington faithful,…

Guided by scent: Rediscovering the outdoors through smell

November 13, 2024
As the rain began, we chose to keep paddling. We were on the far side of the reservoir, so it would be at least another hour until we could make it back to the Leffert’s side of the reservoir anyway. The rain continued, leaving little pockmarks on the water and reminding us that maybe next time, we…

Preparing for winter

November 6, 2024
One slide of the big yellow shovel at a time. The metal-tipped edge slides smoothly across the artificial wood.  Slowly, deliberately, I work my way across the deck. It’s a deck that has hosted some pretty awesome musicians, but all I need for now is for it not to host this heavy snow. One shovelful at a time,…

Vermont’s Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame celebrates the spirit of the slopes

October 30, 2024
Baseball has its Hall of Fame decorated with the green serpentine marble from the Rochester Quarry in Vermont. Football has a Hall of Fame. And the Basketball one is right down the way in Springfield, Massachusetts. But here in Vermont, our versions are a little different. We have the Vermont Ski & Snowboard Museum, which…

Surviving the late fall cold: The annual “delaying the thermostat” game

October 17, 2024
Waking up this morning, I wasn’t sure if we had lost power or not. The house was cold, almost frightfully so. There was no noise coming from our hot water heater, and I couldn’t hear the water rushing through the pipes. As I stepped onto the oak floor, my feet were still ice cold—the radiant pipes were…

Playing favorites: Choosing the perfect trail

October 9, 2024
A few weeks ago, I gave an interview for my boarding school magazine, after which I was sent only one follow up question: What is your favorite trail? Now the first thought out of my head was something snarky Lambonics phrase like, the one with the most snow on it. Or the one with the least…

Autumn is a fine time to call a hump day

October 2, 2024
A girlfriend and I made a new tradition a few months ago. We decided that no matter what, how busy our schedules were or how far away we now live from each other, that at one point this autumn we would call a Hump Day.   It would have to be the perfect day, where…