The Outside Story

The Outside Story is a series of weekly ecology articles that has been appearing in newspapers across New Hampshire and Vermont since 2002. The series is underwritten by the Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation – Upper Valley Region and edited by Meghan McCarthy McPhaul at Northern Woodlands.

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The benefits and misconceptions of digger wasps 

October 2, 2024
On warm days through early fall, you can find two large species of “digger” wasps flitting about late-blooming flowers. Like many wasps, these species elicit strong, often negative reactions in humans. But digger wasps inhabit a critical niche in invertebrate communities – and can lend a natural hand in pest control. Two of the most…

Northeastern hawks soaring through winter

February 5, 2025
Driving on Vermont’s Interstate highways in winter, I often notice large hawks perched in trees on woodland edges at regular intervals along the road. With the stark landscape providing better visibility and many bird species gone for the winter, this is a great time of year to hawk-watch. The raptor I see most along the…

More than a nest: Squirrel dreys

January 29, 2025
In the starkness of winter, squirrel dreys reveal themselves in the tree canopy. They’ve been there all along — just screened by trees’ leafy crowns for much of the year. Dreys are shaggy masses of leaves nestled against a tree trunk or cupped in a fork of branches 20 to 40 feet above the ground.…

Frost quakes: Groans of Old Man Winter 

January 22, 2025
As the winter sun set on Feb. 3, 2023, the Caribou, Maine branch of the National Weather Service (NWS) was flooded with reports of seismic activity. James Sinko, the office’s hydrology program manager, recounted Mainers calling in from across the state’s Hancock, Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Washington counties to describe homes and buildings trembling and deep…

Bohemian waxwings: Intrepid winter wanderers

January 15, 2025
Walking along a dirt road last winter, I heard a collection of pleasant, sputtering trills coming from a stand of conifers and hardwoods nearby. I’m used to the winter conversation of chickadees around feeder and woods, the cawing of crows and blue jays in the yard, and the high-pitched calls of golden-crowned kinglets sounding from…

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Bark helps trees weather winter

January 8, 2025
When I think about winter survival, my mind first goes to wildlife: field mice curling up in nests, chickadees flocking to bird feeders, and amphibians burrowing into the mud. Rarely do I think about the adaptations of our northern species that can’t grow thicker fur, fluff up their feathers, or go underground. Trees, for instance,…

White-footed mice seeking a warm house

January 2, 2025
During winter, I often hear gnawing and the scurrying of little feet inside the walls of our house. Mice have taken shelter in our old farmhouse again.  Although I hate killing cute creatures, after we had to hire a carpenter twice to remove sections of our walls and take out smelly mouse nests, we resorted…

Horned larks enliven sleeping fields

December 26, 2024
Halloween is long past, but you may notice devilish figures hanging out in scrubby fields and open areas this winter: horned larks. These birds are North America’s only true lark species. They reside year-round in parts of the Northeast, such as Vermont’s Champlain Valley, but disperse across the region more widely in winter, when the…

The evergreen Christmas fern

December 18, 2024
Tromping through our woods in December in search of a Christmas tree, I often notice an evergreen fern, one of the few green plants on the forest floor this time of year, other than young conifers. An easy fern to identify, it grows in fountain-like clumps and has glossy, dark green leaflets or pinnae. This…

The winter lives of salamanders

December 11, 2024
In the cold October air, my classmates and I gathered around the square oak board placed on the ground more than a year earlier. Carefully, we lifted it and peered underneath. Against the dark brown soil, two shiny lines caught our attention: salamanders. Both were Eastern red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus), the most abundant salamander species…

Keeping winter coats clean

December 4, 2024
Standing on the berm of a small pond, I watch the resident beaver leave its lodge, a silhouetted nose moving through the water. It disappears briefly and returns with a branch in tow. The beaver clambers over the edge of its dam along a muddy path, a branch bouncing along behind. Despite the muddy trail,…

How skunks prepare for winter 

November 27, 2024
Several weeks and many baths ago, my dog discovered a black-and-white stranger crossing our lawn. Wagging vigorously and ignoring my frantic shouts, she ran up and offered her canine greeting: a nose-to-tail sniff. The encounter ended predictably, with the skunk waddling off into the dark, the dog staggering in circles, and me searching desperately through…

A boxelder for Terry

November 20, 2024
My friend Terry Gulick, who passed away earlier this year, used to tease me about my favorite yard tree. Terry did a lot of gardening jobs when he wasn’t mentoring kids, and he was amused and a little offended by what I’d allowed to grow up in my former vegetable patch. It was bad enough…

Fallen logs invigorate stream life

November 14, 2024
For 12 summers, my Vermont colleagues and I guided high school student and teacher teams researching streams as part of a National Science Foundation EPSCoR program. These teams received training in July and employed their new skills for the rest of the summer and early autumn by taking water samples and flow measurements and observing…

Petrichor: A scent of rocks and rain

November 6, 2024
When I hug my son after a day of fall bouldering, his hair smells of the sun-warmed rock we’ve been climbing over. It’s a distinctive odor, evocative of gray ledges and golden light returning after rain, and yet it’s not the rock I’m smelling, but tell-tale traces of life. People have written about – and…

Closing Time: How (some) turtles shut their shells

November 1, 2024
In cartoons, when a turtle is spooked, it retreats into and closes up its shell. While used for comic effect, this imagery is based in fact – although not all turtles are capable of this protective feat. In the Northeast, three native turtle species have hinged shells: the Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii), the common musk…

The Not-So-Itsy-Bitsy Joro Spider

October 23, 2024
‘Tis the season for spooky stories, and just in time for Halloween, the spider that news headlines have described as “giant,” “flying,” and “venomous” has made its way to New England. While it may be a nightmare for anyone with arachnophobia, the invasive Joro spider (Trichonephila clavata) is quite docile and, if given a choice,…

Hophornbeam: A Tough Little Tree

October 17, 2024
Wandering through the woods this time of year, occasionally I’ve come across a small deciduous tree laden with cone-like structures that resemble the hops used to brew beer. This is the American – or Eastern – hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana). A member of the birch family, hophornbeam grows in the understory in a variety of northeastern…

Autumn migration: dragons on the move

October 9, 2024
The great annual movements of fall include monarch butterflies winging toward Mexico, whales heading to the Caribbean to give birth, and multitudes of birds in the autumn skies. There’s another migration this season that often goes unnoticed by casual observers: that of dragonflies. Given that dragonflies (or something closely resembling them) have been on this…

The benefits and misconceptions of digger wasps 

October 2, 2024
On warm days through early fall, you can find two large species of “digger” wasps flitting about late-blooming flowers. Like many wasps, these species elicit strong, often negative reactions in humans. But digger wasps inhabit a critical niche in invertebrate communities – and can lend a natural hand in pest control. Two of the most…