On July 2, 2015

Coaches’ corner: Keeping the momentum going for the long-term

By Beth Roberts, Killington Bootcamp

As we end our six weeks of training the public accountability lessens and the apprehension of continuing on their own sets in on the challenge group. Moving into this last week, I would like to offer some advice to all the particpants to help keep their momentum going. The power of the mind combined with motivation and confidence are the keys to staying on track.

Identifying motivators is the first step. At this point our participants should be able to name three or four things that keep them motivated. For example, starting the day with a breakfast containing the perfect ratio of macronutrients may help keep the nutrition plan on track. Getting an early morning workout in may be the best way to jump start the day. Working out with a friend or in a group exercise setting may be the accountability check needed to stay on track. Anyone can identify their top 3-4 factors that will enable a new lifestyle easily.

Confidence is a crucial component as well. We encourage the BTC participants to focus on what they can do instead of any fears that may be holding them back from achieving more. Push out of your comfort zone regularly. Each time a person succeeds, confidence will be boosted for the next challenge. If you do happen to fail, learn from the experience, let it go and try something else. Never stop trying.

Most important is mental toughness. The power of positive thinking is often underestimated. The law of attraction will return positive results if you emit a positive attitude. Your confidence will grow with every achievement. Negative energy won’t have a chance. Continue on this successful journey by focusing on the positive and pushing yourself to be better every day. The power of mental toughness is exactly what you need to keep up your motivation and boost your confidence.

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