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What are we hiding?

October 4, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Virgo Sun, and an Aquarius Moon that remained void until around 10:30 a.m. (EST) on Monday morning. If your first day of the week got off to a slow start, don’t worry. Until it enters Pisces, and resumes…

The light at the end of the tunnel

September 27, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s horoscopes are coming out in the aftermath of the fall Euinox, under the light of a Sagittarius Moon. According to the doomsday crowd, the world was due to end on Saturday, Sept. 23, and lo and behold, we’re still here. Recent cataclysmic events had me…

Emerging from a web of deception

September 20, 2017
By  Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Virgo Moon, with aspects that show me that all we have to do is pay attention to what’s in front of us, knowing that life’s astrological underpinnings form the backbone for every aspect of our experience.…

Sun in Virgo brings September

August 30, 2017
By Cal Garrison - a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a late, Scorpio Moon and a newly birthed Sun in Virgo. If this gives us free reign to approach things any way we want, I am going to take full advantage of that option and use…

Get ready for a bumpy ride

August 23, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a New Moon eclipse, with both lights situated at the 28th Degree of Leo. This makes it nearly impossible to shed any light on the matter, because the lies and deceptions that permeate current events have gone so…

Retrograde mercury means a turn for the unexpected

August 16, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Taurus Moon and a recently turned, retrograde Mercury. People talk a lot about the retrograde mercury phenomenon. It happens three times a year and lasts for approximately three weeks each time. This recent turnaround began on…

Awaiting the eclipse

August 9, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye I’m writing this on  Aug. 7 with the sun sitting at 15 degrees, 19 minutes Leo, and the moon juxtaposed at 15 degrees, 19 minutes Aquarius, The Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a full solar eclipse. This particular eclipse has already gotten so much…

Moon entering Sagittarius brings celebration of light

August 2, 2017
By Cal Garrison, aka Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Scorpio Moon. On July 31, at approximately 7:10 a.m. (EST) the Moon will turn Void-of-Course, and remain in that condition until 8:10 a.m. (EST) on Tuesday morning, Aug. 1. That means we had one whole day to roll down our…

New Moon in Leo invites light

July 26, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye  This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the Light of a newly birthed Leo Sun, and a brand new Leo Moon. With a double dose of Leonine energy vibrating in the ethers I think we’d do well to talk about the sign, and give ourselves a chance…

Light up your inner phoenix

July 19, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under a Taurus Moon at an extremely auspicious moment in time. Allow me to skip the mundane aspect analysis, because the winds of change are about to be intensified by solar energies that only come around when Sirius rises ahead of…

Life happens, even to those who read the stars and planets

July 12, 2017
If Cal had seen it coming, perhaps she would not have gone to the pool on July 4, whereby a simple trip resulted in a broken hip.  But we do know enough about astrology to understand that something similar would have happened, eventually. For those who understand that time is not linear and that we live…

Perspectives under a Scorpio Moon

July 5, 2017
By Cal Garrison a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Scorpio Moon. Yes, there’s a lot we can say, but time is of the essence this week. With an early, Independence Day deadline let’s skip the introduction, keep it simple, invite you to enjoy your Horoscope,…

Leo moon brings a reality check

June 28, 2017
By Cal Garrison a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Leo moon with aspects that are keeping us cradled in a state of equilibrium just long enough to keep all Hell from breaking loose. There are a million things we could speculate on, but none of…

June 21, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of an Aries Moon, a moon that will turn Void-of-Course for a few hours on the afternoon of June 19, and remain in that state until it enters Taurus at about 6 p.m., EST. Because anything we do…

Awakening to the truth

June 14, 2017
By Cal Garrison This week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Capricorn Moon, with a bevy of aspects that are more than interesting, but not quite as remarkable as the long term effects of the last full moon. For reasons that I can’t explain, I have received a lot of questions about…