On October 4, 2017

What are we hiding?

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Virgo Sun, and an Aquarius Moon that remained void until around 10:30 a.m. (EST) on Monday morning. If your first day of the week got off to a slow start, don’t worry. Until it enters Pisces, and resumes its active rotation, the Void-of-Course frequency in the sign of The Fishes gives us permission to approach the early part of the day with plenty of room to let things slide.

Beyond that, when I examine some of the aspects, an opposition between the planet Uranus and the asteroid Siwa sticks out like a sore thumb. Both bodies are dancing with Jupiter. Loosely translated, if we take Uranus to be “The Great Awakener” and cast Siwa as the “Great Destroyer” this means that all kinds of lethal and malefic activities are coming out in the open. With Jupiter forming part of the picture, in addition to any legalities that are usually present when Jupiter’s in the room, the presence of Fat Cats, religious prelates, and celebrities, along with the idea that there are bound to be attempts to deny, soft-peddle, and/or cover up the potential for an awakening, is all over this three-way configuration. A secondary aspect between Nemesis and Diana suggests that the ones who have the most to lose when the truth comes out in the open, are doing everything in their power to keep it hidden.

When we talk about these things it’s good to keep in mind that they apply at both the personal, and the collective level. At the personal level we need to ask ourselves what are we hiding and why are we so bent on keeping it hidden, and/or remaining in denial? On the collective level? Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, it’s quite obvious that massive amounts of money, time, and effort have been spent on pulling the wool over our eyes, as a means to keep the ones who have profited from the system, and who think they’re in the know, hog-tied to their beliefs and completely in the dark.

How much longer can this go on? The more I try to figure that out the harder it is to pinpoint. What’s happening right now reminds me of what it was like back at the 2012 Winter Solstice. Do you remember? We waited up all night thinking that the poles were going to shift, and the world was going to end, and nothing happened. As we wait once again for the truth to come to light, I have come to the conclusion that I am not only not all-seeing or wise enough to make that determination, I have a feeling that within the limits of the linear mind there is no way to measure it. Deep down inside, I know that all things will be revealed, but as to when and how? As much as I trust in the triumph of the forces of light, and in the idea that higher frequencies always displace lower frequencies, I don’t have the answer to that one.

Stay tuned: the darkest hour is always right before the dawn. Keep that in mind, keep doing whatever it takes to rub the sleep from your eyes, and take what you can from this week’s ‘scopes.

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