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The Movie Diary: First and foremost

July 19, 2023
  The internet is quite a place, even though it isn’t really a place at all. Over the years, I’ve watched it morph from a little known tech speciality to a worldwide phenomenon. And while I originally viewed it as the answer to all life’s problems, I now question whether we’d be better off without…

The Outside Story: Spittlebugs hide in plain sight

July 19, 2023
   Spittlebugs are the color of a new spring leaf, their bodies both tiny and so fat that you hardly notice their six miniature legs underneath. This plumpness makes them an appetizing snack for various insect predators—or would, anyway, if spittlebugs didn’t have an elaborate adaptation to keep them safe.  Spittlebugs live in a variety…

Mountain Meditation: The air we breathe

July 19, 2023
By Marguerite Jill Dye From our first breath as a newborn to our last gasp when we pass on the need for safe air to breathe into our lungs is a human right we cannot ignore. I remember one night when our son was quite young. We were visiting my parents in our Killington ski…

Poetry is Power: Spider Web; Dew Drops

July 19, 2023
Spider Web (A Haiku) Stunning spider webs, So beautiful with dew drops, Resting on flowers. Dew Drops (A Haiku) Dew on spider webs, So stunning in the morning, Crystal drops on webs. What is a Haiku? A haiku is a type of poem in which there are three rows. The first row has five syllables,…

Cosmic Catalogue: Defining moments

July 19, 2023
  Astrologically speaking, we’ve had several defining moments this year and we’re only halfway! This week ushers in a new 18-month cycle that is set to amplify, exaggerate and churn up relationship dynamics. It’s not just about intimate or personal relationships, but also those within your extended circles, such as your friends, neighbors, colleagues and…

Mountain Meditation: Flood reminds us to act to protect fragile ecosystem

July 12, 2023
  By Marguerite Jill Dye I am grateful to be in Vermont! It gives me a sense of joy and freedom. I feel relieved, surrounded by trees and nestled among Vermont’s Green Mountains. We spotted a black long tailed weasel—our very first ever as it crossed Route 4. We discovered the groundhog in our back…

Vermont strong together

July 12, 2023
  I might have missed the Flood of 1927, but I was here in 2011 and heard the boulders screaming as they scratched against each other as they flew down the mountain. I heard the Roaring Brook roar with all its might as it catapulted itself down the mountain. I saw the water turn backward under…

Too close to call

July 12, 2023
  I’ve had a couple close calls in my life. One summer during my mid-teens, I was at a lake with friends when we decided to hike up a trail that promised a grand view of the region. When we got to the top, we sat on a rock outcropping to enjoy the vistas. Being…

The Northern Mockingbird: Master of Mimicry

July 12, 2023
  When I worked on a college campus, a northern mockingbird often accompanied me on the walk between my car and my office. This slender gray bird darted from the hedges, flashing white wing patches and outer tail feathers before landing on a crabapple branch, where it poured forth a string of trills and phrases,…

You are stronger than a mudslide

July 12, 2023
  Mudslides are frightening, They cause lots of damage and are dangerous to you. Bits of roads gone, Trees and rocks washed away, too. Don’t let the wind blow you away, Stay rooted to the ground, You know that all are there to help you, Make sure to help them, too. Give kindness to them…

What we do for love

July 12, 2023
  I don’t think there is a female among us who hasn’t done something out of her comfort zone simply because she is dating someone who interests her. I definitely plead “guilty” to doing that almost 50 years ago! In fact, I did multiple things that were way out of my comfort zone. Perhaps my…

Taking action

July 12, 2023
  The big news this week is that two planets change signs. Firstly, Mars moves from Leo into Virgo and secondly, Mercury moves from Cancer to Leo. When planets change signs, it offers a change in tone and in this case, it’s the tone of action and communication that shifts. Until Aug. 28, Mars in…

DaMore Law teams up with attorney Ewald

July 12, 2023
  DaMore Law is forming a new division, Green Mountain Lawyers. Attorney Daniel Ewald and his staff are joining forces with Attorney Peter DaMore and his firm, DaMore Law. With the support of DaMore Law, Green Mountain Lawyers will be part of a team with 18 paralegals, law clerks, legal assistants and support staff along…

Tick checks: an unfortunate, but wise, summer routine

July 5, 2023
  We pulled up our bright white socks, the old school mid-shin kind that in my dad’s day might have had two red or blue stripes at the top. We pulled them up high, over our jeans and then sat down to put our sneakers on. Well, not too high, but just enough that there…

Flavor of the week

July 5, 2023
When I was in 7th grade, a couple girls in my class decided that I was going be the focus of their attention. The two girls wrote me a note explaining how cute I was and that they both liked me. I was admittedly, taken aback. It was impressive to have one girl like you…