Discover More from This Category: Mountain Meditation

It’s ‘ all in the family ’

February 20, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye “I’ve been busy all my life – why stop now?” said Norman Lear with a grin at age 94. The legendary sitcom producer helped advance America in recognizing and confronting sexism, racism, and bigotry through humor. He started the conversation by daring to produce his avant-garde societal comedy-critiques. “All in the…

Here’s to more happiness in the Earth Pig Year

February 13, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye  In this Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig we have the opportunity to choose happiness as our emotional countenance. We also have the ability to manifest our dreams. What would you like to pursue at this time in your life in the next three, six, and nine months? How do…

An antidote to Trump’s world

February 6, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye We switch back and forth between reality and fantasy, but it’s often confusing as to which is which. When we’ve reached our five-minute news limit on Trump’s turmoil and utter chaos, we leave CNN’s political pundits and MSNBC commentators. We’ve found a way to preserve our sanity by turning on Netflix…

Chinese Year of the Earth Pig has begun

February 4, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye I was mesmerized and awed by the full supermoon lunar eclipse just past midnight. Its rich red hue was startling. No wonder the moon’s always mystified me and our ancestors, since their beginning. With giant Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius, this year will be filled with cosmic power in expansion…

My studio: a creative, spiritual retreat

January 23, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye Virginia Woolf wrote an extended essay in 1929 entitled “A Room of One’s Own,” based on her lectures, that stressed the importance of a quiet place for a woman to write and think. Women were expected to carry out household duties unless they could afford servants, and education was for men.…

Good fortune, new beginnings in house and home

January 9, 2019
After years of preparation reading feng shui books, it feels quite miraculous: I’m attacking every corner after assuming that the organizing gene in my family skipped me. But suddenly, as I flow through the house, putting like with like in containers that fit, I’m so in the flow, I can’t stop myself! From bath to…

Lived mindfully, life is a living work of art

January 2, 2019
Living in sync with our true selves and being guided by the spirit within allows us to follow whatever unfolds in its natural sequence. Without trying to control the chaos of life with the left brain’s overthinking, our right brain flows from thing to thing, perceiving, sensing, and connecting. When given the time, the right…

New Year wishes

December 26, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye It’s a time for new visions, hopes, and dreams, and to focus attention on the New Year. It’s a time to reassess our lives, and raise our vibrations to attract more joy. I want to invite newness into my life, and let go of old ways that are not beneficial. Out…

A holiday gift

December 19, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye Do you have a friend whose healing hugs and spoken words encourage and inspire you? Do you have a friend who sees your strengths and teaches you how to overcome weaknesses? I do. Argentine born artist Graciela Giles emanates love, joy, and healing energy. Mom introduced us years ago. She feels…

Mountain Meditation: Giving through serving

December 12, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye This time of year, we often reach out to loved ones and sometimes to people we haven’t met yet. It’s a time to give gifts and bestow blessings through kind actions because some of the best gifts cannot be bought: they are given from deep in our hearts. The gift of…

The outdoor world is my studio

December 7, 2018
I’m inspired by artists’ journeys and the quality of their powerful work on an international blog that features 52 artists each year. It’s called “Artists Tell Their Stories.” Beginning Dec. 6, I’m honored to be the artist of the week. Along with showing colorful paintings of various places I’ve traveled and lived, it’s made me…

Rejuvenation, gratitude and blessings

November 28, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye “What should I write my column about?” I asked my friends at our dining room table. Between bites of turkey and mashed potatoes, they offered ideas, one after the other. “Gratitude,” newspaper reporter Francesca said. “It’s the season to remember how blessed we are.” “We’ve entered the holiday season when many…

Gratitude heals

November 20, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye Did you know that the way we live and think about ourselves affects our longevity? Counting our blessings and feeling other positive emotions improves our health and extends our lives. “Miracles occur when we step outside of convention,” Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of “Programming Your Mind to Remarkable Recovery” announced in…

Let’s build a better America

November 7, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye  However the mid-term elections play out, we still must consider how deeply divisions in the United States are affecting our wellbeing, as a nation, as world citizens, and as individuals. Many of us find our families divided, and have difficulty relating to friends whose political viewpoints seem opposite to our own…

Our democracy needs CPR: Vote!

November 1, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye Steve Finer began mountain rescue decades ago in Wyoming and has served as a longtime leader of Killington Fire and Rescue. He also works in Rutland Regional Medical Center’s emergency center, so his three-hour CPR class in the Sherburne Memorial Library was filled with personal experience. Gerrie Russel, president of Killington…