On December 26, 2018

New Year wishes

By Marguerite Jill Dye

It’s a time for new visions, hopes, and dreams, and to focus attention on the New Year. It’s a time to reassess our lives, and raise our vibrations to attract more joy. I want to invite newness into my life, and let go of old ways that are not beneficial. Out with the old, and in with the new! I have several New Year wishes, and I imagine that you may have some too.

I’d like to:

Stay on course and not be swayed by cross winds and squalls. I’d like my emotions to be more consistent. Balance is preferable to extreme ups and downs.

Focus on the positive because like attracts like in the Law of Attraction. Focusing on joy, gratitude, empowerment, love, passion, enthusiasm, belief, and optimism put a smile on my face (and yours too—it’s contagious!). These feelings raise the mood and emotions. Negative feelings like worry and blame, anger, hatred, jealousy, fear sap us all of energy. They should be avoided like the plague!

De-clutter the extras in my life that don’t contribute to my happiness or life purpose: objects, clothes, papers, “shoulds” that no longer serve my home or life. William Morris recommended keeping only what we love, what is useful and/or beautiful.

Do good deeds and good work, but not in a way that causes me stress. I plan to allow for extra time between activities and deadlines.

Meditate and explore feelings and thoughts that provide insight and lead to growth. I’ll seek out new experiences that expand my mind, sharing thoughts and inspiration in my weekly “Mountain Meditation” column.

Complete Part III of my book on the Camino de Santiago, the final section which is about our last pilgrimage on the Camino del Norte; insert the plein air paintings and drawings I did along the Camino Frances and the Northern Camino.

Paint en plein air, sew, and create art with objects from nature I discover outside.

Eat living foods that nurture and heal—mostly vegetables and fruits from the earth.

Spend as much time as possible with our grandson Silas—each day with him brings us joy. I love seeing the world through his wonder-filled eyes. Like our son, he’s a blessing in our lives.

Hike, bike, and walk with my hubby, Duane; hold hands, hug, and kiss every day. Do my physical therapy exercises twice a day as prescribed.

Enjoy being with dear friends who enrich our lives and help us grow.

Celebrate life every day, and remember how great a gift it is.

It certainly sounds like a busy year and I may have already overbooked myself. I don’t want to be so busy I lose spontaneity and joy, or constantly feel pressured to accomplish things. I find that to be a challenging combination, but I also realize attitude is key in distinguishing between stress and activity. I may need to reassess my plans. Not everything must be accomplished at once!

What would you like to experience this year? What are your priorities, wishes, and dreams? What changes would you like to make in your life? The more precisely we envision them, the more quickly they can become reality. Writing them down helps define them and gives them more power for manifestation.

When I feel overwhelmed by my to-do list and have no idea where to start, I like to use a technique taught by LearnDoBecome: limit your current projects to no more than seven, then determine the next action step for the project at hand (LearnDoBecome.com). For example, if I want to improve my eating habits to include foods with the greatest health benefits, my next action step might be to look for the healthiest foods people eat that live to be 100 across the globe (bluezones.com). I could also print Dr. Daniel Amen’s list of the 50 Best Brain Foods and use it as my everyday shopping list.

If my intention is to meditate for twenty minutes each day, I may need to find a quiet corner in my home, then set it up for inspiration and comfort. Gathering a few pillows, a matchbox and candle, or tranquil music might be the next action step. By breaking the project down into one small task after another makes the goal seem less overwhelming and more easily achievable.

You may not be sure of just want you want. Sometimes the noise and brain clutter confuse our wishes with what we think we must do. But always remember what matters the most: the answers are always inside yourself.

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”

I wish you abundant blessings and joy throughout 2019. May we each demonstrate the peace that we crave, in our lives, our families, our nation, and world.

Marguerite Jill Dye is an artist and writer who divides her time between the Green Mountains of Vermont and Florida’s Gulf Coast.

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