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Mountain Meditation: Animal sightings and signs part 5

September 13, 2023
  For decades every summer and fall I’ve admired the loon couple on Kent Pond from a distance through my husband’s binoculars. When we bought a kayak I was excited to discover what I see from the water. So I put in off Thundering Brook Road with my husband and neighbor who has two kayaks.…

Mountain Meditation: Animal sightings and signs part 4: One lucky duck and Canada Geese

September 6, 2023
        My husband Duane and our Black Lab Luke had a magical experience years ago near the boat ramp in Kent Pond. A female Mallard was caught in a fishline. Duane fetched his trusty Swiss Army knife then told Luke to “stay” on the shoreline. He waded out. The ducks swam away…

Mountain Meditation: Killington is for the birds—Hawks, crows, turkeys and hummingbirds

August 30, 2023
Wildlife sightings and signs part 3 Indigenous cultures throughout the world see animals as messengers from the Great Spirit. Each creature is a teacher of how we can heal and tap into our personal power. At a yard sale, I happened upon the book and deck of “Medicine Cards” by Native Americans Jamie Sams and…

Mountain Meditation: Wildlife sightings and signs, part 2: Canada lynx, bellowing moose and Mr. Coyote liven up our woods

August 16, 2023
  A Spirit Animal may appear to bring a message to help guide you through difficulties and challenging times. Whatever animal calls or shows up has insights and gifts to share through its strengths. The rarest sighting I have experienced during my 65 years in Vermont was the Canada lynx kitten who hid in our…

Mountain Meditation: Wildlife sightings and signs, part one: Bears and another little hibernator

August 9, 2023
  Dad first saw the land we now live on under 6 feet of snow. He and Orin Bates climbed up the hill wearing snowshoes to get through the snow drifts. Dad gazed at Pico through the trees when Killington had barely begun. As he considered the commitment and cost, a ruffled grouse rose up…

Mountain Meditation: The week that was with our grandkids; three cheers for Wonderfeet

August 2, 2023
  Our grandchildren have come to our Killington lodge to spend a week with “Gammy and Papa.” Cora Irene (2 1/2 years old) joined brother Silas who just turned 8 in mid-July. Silas has his dad’s disposition—calm, centered and often serene — but his toddler sister is strong and defiant, very determined and cute as…

Mountain Meditations: Lakeside bliss

July 26, 2023
I’ve always been curious to know what it’s like to spend a summer on a lake. So I was delighted to have the chance to stay in a cottage on Lake Winnipesaukee for our very last week of timeshare. Forty years ago a “free weekend” promotion led us to purchase one week’s timeshare on the…

Mountain Meditation: The air we breathe

July 19, 2023
By Marguerite Jill Dye From our first breath as a newborn to our last gasp when we pass on the need for safe air to breathe into our lungs is a human right we cannot ignore. I remember one night when our son was quite young. We were visiting my parents in our Killington ski…

Mountain Meditation: Flood reminds us to act to protect fragile ecosystem

July 12, 2023
  By Marguerite Jill Dye I am grateful to be in Vermont! It gives me a sense of joy and freedom. I feel relieved, surrounded by trees and nestled among Vermont’s Green Mountains. We spotted a black long tailed weasel—our very first ever as it crossed Route 4. We discovered the groundhog in our back…

Healing the physical through the ethereal

March 20, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye “You’ve reached a new level of healing now, Jill. You’ve entered the mystical realm,” Francisca, my Rosicrucian writer friend, said. She gave me a distant healing last night then added the blessing of a sound night’s sleep. Usually my pain wakes me up, which also awakens my husband Duane. But this…

Coping with pain

March 12, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye Why are you here, I beg of my pain. What brought you on? Why have you invaded my life? “What must I do to loosen your grip? Can’t you stop this living hell? Pain has hijacked my life, my concentration and focus. If I try to think of anything else, it…

Healing Part 2–Cuba can wait

March 7, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye The “HEAL” documentary on Netflix, which I wrote about in last week’s Mountain Meditation, and my own pain experience 10-14 years ago and, unfortunately now, have taught me we have more power than we realize to set our healing ability in motion. Food as medicine is nothing new. It’s been used…

On healing

February 27, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye “The power that made the body heals the body,” Dr. Joe Dispenza affirmed, after being hit and thrown by a semi truck during a triathlon. He replaced his fear by visualizing the reconstruction of his spine, which instructed his body to heal his spine, one vertebra at a time. He recovered…

It’s ‘ all in the family ’

February 20, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye “I’ve been busy all my life – why stop now?” said Norman Lear with a grin at age 94. The legendary sitcom producer helped advance America in recognizing and confronting sexism, racism, and bigotry through humor. He started the conversation by daring to produce his avant-garde societal comedy-critiques. “All in the…

Here’s to more happiness in the Earth Pig Year

February 13, 2019
By Marguerite Jill Dye  In this Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig we have the opportunity to choose happiness as our emotional countenance. We also have the ability to manifest our dreams. What would you like to pursue at this time in your life in the next three, six, and nine months? How do…