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The flavors of Aquarians

January 23, 2018
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of an Aries Moon, in the wake of the Sun’s entrance in Aquarius. As I look at the chart for this week, I see that there are all kinds of planets and asteroids in Aquarius, including the Moon’s…

Rearranging relationship roles

January 16, 2018
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Capricorn Moon. At approximately 9:17 p.m. (EST) on Tuesday evening, the Moon turned New when it conjuncted the Sun, at 26 Degrees Capricorn. Every time I sit down to write this column I am awed by…

The Uranian impulse

January 9, 2018
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Libra Moon. Before we can talk about what’s coming up for this week, we have to back track to last week. As much as life seems like everything is the same as usual, in the last…

Entering the new year

January 3, 2018
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Full Moon in Cancer. I don’t bother to participate in the New Year’s revels, nor do I bow to convention and smilingly wish everyone a happy new year – partially because I am a total party…

Discarding illusions for the holidays

December 28, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Void-of-Course Pisces Moon. The Moon left its Void-of-Course pattern and entered the sign of the Ram at about 7:30 p.m. EST on Christmas Day. As the holiday revels play out, there are a number of subtle…

From darkness into the light

December 20, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under a Sagittarius Moon. The Moon went into the later degrees of Sagittarius and entered its new phase a little after midnight on Monday morning. At about 8 a.m. it turned void-of-course for 20 minutes, until it went into Capricorn. With the Winter Solstice coming up…

A raft of changes

December 14, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Libra Moon. It’s time to run out and get our Advent calendars because the 12 Days of Christmas started on Tuesday, Dec. 12. The song that we sing to honor this period of time starts with…

Mercury enters retrograde in time for holidays

December 1, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Pisces Moon, in the wake of Thanksgiving and the annual, Black Friday greed-athon. There is so much going on it’s hard to know what to focus on, and just as hard to figure out how to talk about…

Neptune’s coming turnaround

November 22, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Sagittarius Moon, on the eve of the Sun’s entrance into the same sign. When the Sun and the Moon come together in the same degree of the same sign, it means that the Moon is “New.”…

A mixed bag of possibilities

November 15, 2017
By Cal Garrison a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Virgo Moon, a Moon that turned Void-of-Course at 10:45 a,m., and will remain in that state until it enters Libra at 6:45 p.m. on the east Coast, at around 3:45 p.m. out West. Venus and Jupiter are conjoined right now. In…

Time to reconcile differences

November 8, 2017
This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Gemini Moon, in the wake of Guy Fawkes Day. It’s interesting that the divisive energy that has taken root in the collective mind is manifesting in political unrest and world-wide protests on the day that the Brits observe Guy Fawkes’ aborted plot to blow…

Stop whining, start winning

November 1, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Pisces Moon. With Halloween on Tuesday, there is no better time than now to let go of the past and eliminate every last bit of refuse before the Moon turns Full in the sign of the…

Scorpio brings “double whammy” of newness and change

October 25, 2017
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye The Sun entered Scorpio on Oct. 23 and this week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Sagittarius Moon. This combination is bound to deliver a double whammy of newness and change. If the last week or two has had us feeling like we’re trudging…

Letting go of last month

October 18, 2017
By Cal Garrison a.k.a Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Virgo Moon. In its Balsamic phase, as it approaches newness, the next few days open for us to let go of all the leftovers from the last month. If there is anything that needs to get…

Entering the Underworld

October 11, 2017
By Cal Garrison a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Gemini Moon. The Moon will trine the Sun before the day is out. This will give the first day of the week a harmonious outset, but all things are subject to change. Positioned in Libra, the…