On December 20, 2017

From darkness into the light

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under a Sagittarius Moon. The Moon went into the later degrees of Sagittarius and entered its new phase a little after midnight on Monday morning. At about 8 a.m. it turned void-of-course for 20 minutes, until it went into Capricorn. With the Winter Solstice coming up on Dec. 21, this is an auspicious time, one which is loaded with creative potential, and upon which many inner and outer things hang in the balance.

I say this because between the 18th and the 21st, the Sun, the Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn will be spinning through Galactic Center. This region of space is akin to the Great Void, or the waters of the deep. In my mind the later degrees of Sagittarius are the Womb of Creation. It is in the emptiness around which everything rotates, that the spark that births the dreams for the next cycle is struck. That’s right folks; our passage through the dark time is just about over – and hopefully, all of our issues have been processed clearly enough for us to enter the New Year on the wings of the truth and an open heart.

If the Sun and the inner planets move through this area of space every year or two, Saturn only hits this stretch of the Zodiac every 30 years or so. Saturn officially enters Capricorn on Dec. 19, two days before the 2017 Winter Solstice. Prior to that moment, his passage through Galactic Center will put him through a transition that is akin to an update, or a cosmic wake-up call. It’s as if to say, the guy who sets up the system and runs the show has to go back to square one and be requalified for his position.

With a whole new order in the midst of being installed, Saturn’s passage through the Womb of Creation is, from my perspective, a huge event. We could liken it to what happens to a professor at a big university, or any authority figure, who, in regularly timed cycles, has to go up before the Board of Directors (or, in Saturn’s case, the Architects of Creation) to be reviewed and re-evaluated for whatever their role now requires.

What this will involve for us here on the earthly plane is anyone’s guess. I have my own thoughts on the subject. At this point the final battle between the light and the dark is coming to an end. Most of us on the planet are clueless about these things, but that’s what is up right now. My hunch is that between Dec. 21, 2017, and April 17, 2018, many things will come to pass. Why do I pinpoint April 17? Because on that day Chiron leaves Pisces and makes his ingress into the sign of the Ram. By the time Chiron crosses the Aries Point on April 17th, all of humanity will have access to, and awaken to the truth. In that moment the lies that have held us in darkness will be wiped away, and a global awakening will open the space for all of us to remember who we really are, and allow us to begin again. Keep this in mind through the next week or so. Let it fuel your visions for the New Year. I wish you all a wonderful Winter Solstice and invite you to take what you can from this week’s ‘scopes.

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