VT Beers

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Tasting the difference with Tad Dedrick and Profanity

January 6, 2016
Sorry, readers, for my lapse in writing. Time gets the best of us. Resolved: I will taste and write about more beers in 2016. I’ve tasted a few really good beers since our last visit, but the challenge has been to meet up with a local brewer while doing so. I’m bending my own rules…

Tasting the difference

September 8, 2015
A few months ago, I made an appointment with the editor of The Mountain Times to discuss some ideas I had for a beer-themed column. She bought into my idea of visiting with members of our region’s craft brewing community and reviewing Vermont-made beers with them. To keep it interesting, we would taste a beer…

Tasting the difference with Dan Foley

July 31, 2015
Beer is a social beverage. Yes, even the most outgoing of us may sometimes drink alone (cue the George Thorogood song), but I will take a leap and say that for most of us, our greatest occasions of enjoying beer have been when we are in the company of others. The beer may have been…

Craft beer pilgrimages

July 22, 2015
Vermont has been referred to of late as the Bavaria of New England, a state to which people travel to enjoy its mountains and scenic beauty, its high-quality foods, like cheeses and sausages—and its beer. To a large degree, the state’s economy and infrastructure were built to accommodate, equip, feed and entertain our visitors. The…

Tasting the difference with Dale Patterson

July 14, 2015
Arguably, if there is a single style of beer that best represents the craft beer movement, it is probably IPA, or India Pale Ale. This may stir up some debate. (Good!) It’s a bold statement about a bold beer style which exists in a universe of great beer styles. It is a style with a…

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Tasting the difference

June 26, 2015
Sharing Otter Creek’s Over Easy session beer with Harpoon head brewer Scott Shirley Some trends come and go. Some get absorbed into the mainstream. A few years ago, a trend of robust beer styles with prefixes like imperial and double proliferated the marketplace (and our refrigerators). Craft beer drinkers, in their constant pursuit of flavor,…

Vt. Beers: Tasting the Difference

June 10, 2015
Editor’s note: This is the inaugural edition of a bi-weekly Mountain Times column, in which writer Paul Kowalski chats with members of our region’s beer and brewing community about Vermont-made beers. Every two weeks, he’ll visit with a different member of the craft beer community who will share with us what they see as an…