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Living the high life

February 27, 2019
By Dom Cioffi My family and I are currently on a ski trip in Aspen, Colorado. It’s funny, just writing those words sounds entitled. Saying you’re on a ski trip to Killington is one thing, but a ski trip to Aspen is a whole different animal. The fact is, I could never afford a vacation…

Aligning the stars

February 20, 2019
By Dom Cioffi There is a small plaza exactly one mile from my home. It has a grocery store, a pizza joint, a donut shop, a dry cleaner, and a few other typical neighborhood establishments. It’s a very convenient location, not just for me, but for the hundreds of other people who live around the…

Change is in the air

February 6, 2019
By Dom Cioffi Testosterone is an interesting thing. The hormone, found in all humans, plays an important role in the body. In men, it’s thought to regulate sex drive (libido), bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and the production of red blood cells and sperm. It also has a profound effect on an individual’s mood.…

With great power

January 30, 2019
By Dom Cioffi I know it’s a little early to be thinking about golf, but Tiger Woods was playing in his first tournament of 2019 this weekend and that got me watching. Tiger had a so-so outing at the Farmers Insurance Open (tied for 20th; so-so for him). He looked to be in early season…

Reaching new heights

January 9, 2019
By Dom Cioffi Not long ago, my son had a few neighborhood friends over to hang out. For years the kids have been congregating at our home so I generally don’t pay much attention to their activities. I’m just happy when they’re within earshot and outside playing. A little while into this particular romp, my…

Solving life’s mysteries

January 2, 2019
By Dom Cioffi A new year is upon us! The holiday stress has waned (except for the tearing down of all those Christmas decorations) and with it comes an opportunity to reset our psychological clocks to better focus on what lies ahead. For me, the holiday season offers a wonderful chance to embrace the celebratory…

Resolving to change

December 26, 2018
By Dom Cioffi The New Year is upon us and with it comes the inevitable pressure to make an annual resolution. This is the time of year when smokers vow to quit (or at least cut back), foodies resolve to lose weight (or at least eat healthier), and couch potatoes decide to get in shape…

The home stretch

December 19, 2018
By Dom Cioffi So, here we are in the home stretch of the holiday season. With only days to go, the intensity of this glorious annual event is heating up. As I mentioned a few columns ago, this is the part of the holiday rush that I love. Not because I inherently like chaos in…

The social network

December 12, 2018
By Dom Cioffi A couple weeks ago I sat down at my computer, cup of coffee in hand, and pulled up the morning’s email. I rifled through the prerequisite offers for discount drugs, quickly deleting them as fast as I could read their suggestive subject lines. There were also a few pertinent emails about work,…

Hats off to you

August 23, 2018
By Dom Cioffi I begrudgingly get up between 5 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. every weekday morning. I hate the act of getting out of bed that early. In fact, my first waking thought once my alarm goes off is usually, “Kill me.” I don’t wake up that early because I’m an early riser. On the…

Boys to men

August 1, 2018
By Dom Cioffi The month-long experiment is officially over. Four weeks ago, my wife and I dropped our teenage son off at military camp. The idea was to build some character and revisit his suffering study habits. The program promised to nudge young men toward adulthood using exercises that build pride and confidence. My wife…