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Autumn is a time for change

October 11, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye Beholding the majesty of Vermont, I’m in awe of the nature around us. I’ve also been wondering just how it relates to our current state of affairs. So I’ll share a few thoughts and poems I’ve written on their possible interconnections. The Messenger The little red fox stared into our eyes,…

It’s time

October 5, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye "Empathy, not apathy, is going to change the world,” Seane Corn declared in the Sounds True Summit, “Waking Up in the World.” “Empathy” is to identify with the feelings, thoughts, and attitudes of another. “Apathy,” also from Greek, is the refusal to suffer. Perhaps to understand the “other” we must recognize…

The New Deal’s Vermont legacy

September 28, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye We paid a visit to the Bennington Museum, eager to see the paintings and prints of “Crash to Creativity: The New Deal in Vermont,” which is on exhibit through Nov. 4. At the entrance to the museum I was struck by Vermonter Clyde V. Hunt’s sculpture, “Faith, Charity, Hope—The American Spirit.” Abraham…

Climate change in Vermont

September 21, 2018
What do bets on the ice melt date in Joe’s Pond and apple blossom notes of Vermont farmers have in common? Both contributed to the creation of the first-state-in-the-nation Vermont Climate Assessment. The 2014 Vermont report combines local data from University of Vermont and state scientists in partnership with the National Climate Assessment (which provides…

The best of Vermont

September 13, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye We welcomed our friends from Avignon, France, Colette and Jean-Paul Pascal, with a fête. We explored our region on “Very Vermont” excursions and hikes. One lovely day at Silver Lake, Judy took Colette on her first kayak trip. We hiked Bear Mountain, Pico Peak, and the Appalachian Trail alongside Kent Pond.…

Valuable life lessons with a bear on your deck

September 10, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye My favorite thing in all the world at this time in my life is spending time with our 3-year-old grandson, Silas. “Papa” and I recently spent several days trying to keep up with and care for him. Some conversations with our favorite little guy surprised and amused us, like this: “I…

The Green Mountain State could become a ‘Blue Zone’

August 30, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye “Papa” and I were thrilled to spend several days caring for our three-year-old grandson, Silas. But it made me aware of how recent minor health challenges affected my energy keeping up with him. It made me consider how important it is to attain the best health and longevity we can. So, in…

A silent revolution

August 23, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye I was ecstatic at first, as I floated through the Clark Art Institute’s downstairs galleries filled with more than 80 magnificent works by “Women Artists in Paris, 1850-1900.” The stunning exhibit in Williamstown, Massachusetts was organized by the American Federation of Arts. “Her Paris” will remain through Sept. 3, but this…

Empowering influences in a child’s life

August 16, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye “The most traumatic part of being a refugee for me was the loss of our home, our village, and being torn from the place where I grew up that I knew and loved,” Walter Hess said at our dining room table. An attentive audience had gathered to hear Walter and his…

Dreams are clues to our mind-body connection

August 10, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye One might assume the mind-body connection would be obvious once we become ill, but sometimes we’re too busy chasing symptoms to see their significance in our lives. Louise Hay’s book, “You Can Heal Your Life,” lists ailments with their emotional roots. It provides deep insights into how our minds and emotions…

‘A disaster they created’

August 2, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye History repeats itself. That’s why it must never be forgotten. History is in the making due to the administration’s “zero tolerance” policy that separated thousands of children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexican border. It is a cruel injustice and human rights abuse against our Constitution and international law. It will…

Gratitude power!

July 25, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around,” Willie Nelson wrote. Who’d ever imagine how great the power of gratitude is? Just making a list for a couple of weeks of two or more experiences we’re grateful for each day boosts our energy, enthusiasm, determination, and alertness for more…

For the disabled, the system is broken

July 20, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye “The truth is, everyone is just one bad day away from needing accessible options the ADA requires to help them get around,” said Sen. Tammy Duckworth. Across the country and in Vermont, the disabled are struggling for accessibility, housing, and services. With added cuts in Medicaid, Medicare, ACA, and affordable housing,…

Why volunteering is not enough

July 11, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye A family friend of 60 years responded to my open letter to Pope Francis, printed in last week’s Mountain Times. She sent me a beautiful message in response to my comments that “America has lost its compassion for the suffering” and that my hope is “nearly gone.” She offered a way of…

Open letter to Pope Francis

July 5, 2018
By Marguerite Jill Dye (Her 100th Column!) Your Holiness, Although I believe we’ve never met in person, I feel as if I know you. Our lives overlapped for a time in Buenos Aires when you were the Superior of the Society of the Jesuits and I served as a mission intern for the Board of Global…