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Longevity and your money

May 12, 2021
The world’s 65 and older population is expanding rapidly By Kevin Theissen According to the most recent population estimates from the United Nations, “1 in 6 people in the world will be over the age 65 by 2050, up from 1 in 11 in 2019. The latest projections also show the number of people aged…

Time is money

May 5, 2021
By Kevin Theissen We’ve all heard the phrase, “time is money.” But what does that really mean? And why does it matter? Time is the most precious of all resources. Once spent, it can never be reclaimed. Money is certainly a critical resource as well. Given the fact that time and money are two of…

Covid effects on benefits

April 28, 2021
By Kevin Theissen The impact of Covid-19 on workplaces has been profound. As we move forward, it is likely work as we once knew it will be changed forever. Employer benefits is one area in which there may be significant change. Remote work options may be necessary for businesses to remain competitive, according to the…

Can you pass this Social Security quiz?

April 21, 2021
By Kevin Theissen Social Security provides retirement income for many, but according to Mass. Mutual Life Insurance, most Americans fail to demonstrate basic knowledge of Social Security benefits. Mass. Mutual used a quiz to test peoples’ knowledge of Social Security retirement benefits and showed that about 35% of people age 55-65 failed and almost 20%…

Financial spring cleaning

April 14, 2021
By Kevin Theissen If you have been procrastinating on one, some or all aspects of your personal finances, why not apply the concept of spring cleaning to your money? The following are some ideas to get started or restarted: Get organized The first thing to do when organizing your finances is to collect all your…

Divorce and finances

April 7, 2021
By Kevin Theissen Some data suggests that divorce rates in the U.S. have been falling in recent decades. Whether this is accurate or not, many people face the difficult challenges that come when their marriage ends. Getting a divorce is a painful, emotional process. Don’t be in such a hurry to reach a settlement that…

Retirement planning for women

March 31, 2021
By Kevin Theissen Planning for retirement can be slightly different for women. Although things are changing, women are still more likely to serve as caregivers, and as a result, they earn less income and benefits due to their time away from work. A 2019 Pew Research study showed that 39% of women took a significant…

A few overlooked tax deductions

March 24, 2021
By Kevin Theissen You should pay all taxes due – but not a penny more! You can then help others with the excess – how you decide. Many taxpayers regularly overpay because they fail to take tax deductions for which they are eligible. Here are some overlooked opportunities to mitigate your tax bill. Reinvested dividends: When…

Does your child have to file a tax return?

March 10, 2021
By Kevin Theissen Many parents encourage their children to work so they can learn the values about work and managing money. But do they need to file a tax return for the money they earn? The IRS does not exempt anyone from the requirement to file a tax return based on age, even if your…

Short selling and tax consequences

March 3, 2021
By Kevin Theissen The recent short selling activity in GameStop has motivated some to become new “investors” because of the idea of making fast money through such trading. However, many are unaware of the dangers of short selling, along with the tax implications that come along with any potential quick profits. One of the dangers…

Mortgages in retirement

February 24, 2021
By Kevin Theissen There is a lot to consider when preparing for your retirement – and it can be overwhelming for some. Saving, investing, medical costs, and making sure you have sufficient income for years to come is just the start. One question many people ask is: “Should I pay off my mortgage before I…

Financial literary quiz

February 17, 2021
The FINRA Investor Education Foundation published a report that found “…financial literacy has significant predictive power for future financial outcomes, even after controlling for baseline financial characteristics and a wide set of demographic and individual characteristics that influence financial decision making.” Financial literacy may be more important today than ever. That’s because the responsibility for…

IRS audit red flags

February 10, 2021
By Kevin Theissen Certain red flags could increase your chances of getting the attention of the IRS. Luckily, the chances that your tax return will be chosen for an audit are very low. The IRS audited less than 0.5% of all tax returns in 2019. The majority of exams were by mail, which means that…

The tooth fairy— around the world

February 3, 2021
By Kevin Theissen Around the world, Covid helped make 2020 one of the most challenging years ever for dentists. The Dental Tribune reported most dental offices around the world closed their doors in March. While most eventually reopened, the impact on dental practices and suppliers was significant. Many adopted cost-cutting measures. The Tooth Fairy did…

The life of a twenty dollar bill

January 27, 2021
The Treasury Department prints millions of notes. The following information was obtained from U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing and details what goes into creating a $20 bill and when its lifespan ends. Paper A $20 bill starts out life as part of a large sheet of paper. While most paper is made primarily from…