Discover More from This Category: Looking Back
The pleasure of flowers
May 20, 2020
By Mary Ellen Shaw Flowers give pleasure not only to the one who plants them but also to those who view them. I learned that firsthand recently on a couple of occasions. A young local artist, Carrie Pill, asked if she could paint one of my gardens. It is near the city sidewalk making it…
Always looking forward to flowering trees and shrubs
May 6, 2020
By Mary Ellen Shaw One of my favorite things to look forward to each year is the colorful display of flowering trees and shrubs. Although they may be short-lived compared to a garden full of perennial flowers they certainly brighten the landscape. With the world topsy-turvy as we deal with Covid-19 anything that resembles normalcy…
Growing plants from seed
April 22, 2020
By Mary Ellen Shaw If you are looking for something different to do with the free time you may have right now why not try growing plants from seed? I have been doing this for about 30 years and it’s a great way to obtain exactly what you want for flowers or veggies. There are…
Looking Forward: Spring green reminds us of the new life that awaits just underground
April 8, 2020
By Mary Ellen Shaw We all need something to look forward to, especially as we navigate our way through the changes in our lives because of the coronavirus. The constant mention of it on TV and in the papers can be overwhelming at times. Mother Nature to the rescue! She will soon provide us with…
Early spring flowers bring delight
March 26, 2020
Looking Back By Mary Ellen Shaw Yes, it is I…looking “forward” instead of “back” in my column. Why? Because we all need something to look forward to in a world that has changed in what seems like a “New York minute!” So, for as long as these difficult days last I will attempt to brighten…
Looking Back: Friends over the years
March 11, 2020
By Mary Ellen Shaw When you get into your senior years you tend to spend quite a bit of time looking back. When I take a look back at the friends I have made it covers over 70 years of friendships. My friends seem to fit into categories: childhood, school days, work days and “new…
Looking Back: The cars in my life
February 26, 2020
by Mary Ellen Shaw As I was visiting with friends recently the conversation turned to the cars we have had over the years. For most of us at the table the earliest memories went back to the 1950s. I remember going to look at cars with my parents in 1952. I was 8 years old…
Looking Back: Valentine’s Day
February 12, 2020
By Mary Ellen Shaw Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! It is a day devoted to love, and as one would expect, the majority of greeting cards are romantic. Some are funny and others simply wish you a “Happy Valentine’s Day.” You can come up with your own meaning for those words! Since Year…
Looking Back: Ice rinks of the past in Rutland
January 29, 2020
The Rutland Recreation Department offered skating in the city as early as the 1940s. My time on skates began in the 1950s. It was a popular activity and one that didn’t come with a high price tag. For awhile Rotary Rink on North Street was the only place for public skating. I don’t know the…
Looking Back: Skiing, small style
January 15, 2020
By Mary Ellen Shaw Many young people growing up in my era … the ’50s and ’60s … got their first taste of skiing right here in the city of Rutland. The place to do that was at the Rutland Country Club. The City of Rutland Recreation Department installed a 525’ rope tow there for…
Looking Back: College life in the 1960s
December 31, 2019
By Mary Ellen Shaw Most of you reading this probably did not go to college in the 1960s. And if you did you were probably not at an all-girls Catholic college. It would probably seem like being in the convent if you could relive that experience today. I spent four years at Trinity College in…
Looking Back: Children’s Christmas gifts from the 1950s
December 18, 2019
By Mary Ellen Shaw It’s fun to take a look back at Christmas in the ’50s when we lived in simpler times. I don’t think the world was as materialistic back then. Christmas lists that were compiled by me and my friends didn’t have many items on them and those that made the list didn’t…
Looking Back: Remembering past Thanksgivings
November 20, 2019
Well, it’s almost here…Thanksgiving time! For most of us it’s all about the food. Family recipes are used to prepare many of the dishes that will be served. In some cases these recipes are on index cards and are handwritten. Some cards have a line with the words: “From the kitchen of…” I particularly love…
The-child-to-adult transition
November 6, 2019
Looking Back by Mary Ellen Shaw There is a transition period for all of us when we stop being considered a “child” by the older people in our lives. We become “adults”, just like them. Our relationship changes with these people and those whom we called “Mr.” or “Mrs.” often tell us to call them…
Lost arts
February 28, 2019
By Mary Ellen Shaw Not only do I qualify as an “oldie” but apparently my favorite hobby is classified by some as a “lost art.” I am told that numerous times as customers take a look at my items when I do a craft show. My hobby began by doing cross-stitch items. My mother always…