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Looking Back: Remembering Halloween from yesteryear

October 18, 2023
  It’s almost time for Halloween and sometimes adults have as much fun as kids on this holiday. Looking back to the 1950s when I went “trick-or-treating” the costumes were pretty simple. Most kids dressed as witches, ghosts, hobos or vampires. Celebrity or movie related costumes were not popular like they are today. Many of…

Looking Back: Bikes for all ages

October 5, 2023
By Mary Ellen Shaw It seems like our street had more bicycle riders this summer than I have ever seen here. The adults seem to outnumber the children and teens. For most of us our connection to biking begins with a tricycle. When I was a child back in the ‘50s there were about a…

Looking Back: Taking a ride back in the day!

September 20, 2023
Back in the day where we traveled by car and how we found our way to various places was nothing like it is now. A friend recently told me that without her GPS she would find it very difficult to get from one place to another. We have become a technology dependent generation! My car…

Looking Back: Dumb ideas

August 23, 2023
  During my annual dermatology visit the doctor and I discussed how the choices that people made in the ’60s have resulted in skin damage as we age. Sunscreen was not promoted back then like it is today. A popular trend among my high school and college friends was to slit the sides of a…

Looking Back: Songs that are ‘oldies’

August 9, 2023
While listening to a radio conversation between two people hosting a show I heard one of them ask the other what decade he expected to hear songs from when he is told that an “oldie” is coming up. The two hosts were not close in age so one said the ’70s and the other said…

Looking Back: Keeping up with the changes

July 26, 2023
Many things have changed over the course of my lifetime and that is to be expected. However, they seem to be changing at a rapid clip and this senior can barely keep up! It seems like we all used land line phones forever and now the majority of people have cell phones. You no longer…

What we do for love

July 12, 2023
  I don’t think there is a female among us who hasn’t done something out of her comfort zone simply because she is dating someone who interests her. I definitely plead “guilty” to doing that almost 50 years ago! In fact, I did multiple things that were way out of my comfort zone. Perhaps my…

How is your garden growing?

June 30, 2023
  How is your garden growing? As gardeners we never seem to be satisfied with the way our flowers and veggies look. I think we are too hard on ourselves! Mother Nature as well as critters alter our plans and give us results that don’t always make us happy. But most of what we plant…

Friends and acquaintances

June 14, 2023
  In a column written back in May by fellow Mountain Times columnist, Dom Cioffi, he told about the various friends throughout his life. That got me thinking about the friends I have made over the years. Some remain in my life but most do not. The word “friend” is used rather loosely by many…

No phys ed or female sports back in the day

May 31, 2023
  A classmate recently told me that she didn’t remember any sports for girls during our high school years at Mount St. Joseph Academy in the early 1960s. I didn’t recall any either so I checked the yearbooks online to see if we were correct.  The ski team was the only sports related activity showing…

Camping – from tents to trailers

May 18, 2023
  For 25 years beginning in 1975 the month of May meant the beginning of camping season for my husband, Peter, and me. We had a permanent site at Belview Campground in Barton, Vermont. Crystal Lake was so close that we just walked through a field and we were there. I was reminded of my…

Things were slower ‘back in the day’

May 3, 2023
When they say that life was slower “back in the day” they are probably right! It was slower because it took longer to do everything. I was thinking of that the other day when I warmed up lunch in the microwave. Back in the '50s my mother would put a casserole dish containing leftovers from…

Salesmanship: from youth to adulthood

April 19, 2023
During the course of our lives most of us have played the role of a “sales person” even if it wasn’t by choice at times. For many of us it began in our elementary school days when we sold items for fundraisers. When you were “peddling your goods” you often went with a friend. That…

High School: Remembering the little things

April 5, 2023
If you went to school in the Rutland area chances are your school yearbook is on the website of the Rutland Historical Society. Looking at it online allows you to visually reconnect with your high school days. I sit at a breakfast table weekly with some classmates and this often results in a “verbal reconnect”…

From paper to paperless

March 7, 2023
By Mary Ellen Shaw The role that paper plays in our lives has changed so much compared to its role “back in the day!” Several years ago I was researching information about WWII and its effect locally. I visited the Rutland Historical Society and found a letter written during that war. It was correspondence between…