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Looking back: TV in the ‘50s

April 15, 2015
It’s hard to imagine the days when a TV was not part of a home. But that was the case on our street until the early 50s, when gradually families started to acquire one. Being told by your parents that they had bought a TV was the greatest news a child could hear. For me…

Easter time

April 1, 2015
With Easter upon us I can’t help but reminisce about how the occasion was celebrated back in my day. The Easter Bunny certainly had his role just like today but because I grew up in a Catholic family the religious significance of this special day was stressed. Our first “challenge” of the season began on…

Looking Back: simple Sundays

March 19, 2015
Back in the '50s it was easy to tell when it was Sunday. I’m not sure it’s so simple any more! Shopping was not an option, as downtown stores were closed except for small food stores, pharmacies and places that sold newspapers and sundry items. There was no mall or shopping center. Life pretty much…

“Number, please:” the telephone

March 4, 2015
Anyone growing up in today’s world would be pretty amazed to learn what a person went through to talk on the telephone back in my youth. I am pretty sure they would not want to take a step back in time for that experience. As fond as I am of the “good ol’ days” I…