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Halloweens from yesteryear
October 30, 2015
With Halloween right around the corner it’s fun to think about what that holiday was like back in the 50s and 60s–the time of my youth. "Back in the day” it was very unusual to see kids trick-or-treating any place but in their own neighborhood. It was a rare sight if a carload of kids…
The Outside Story: October showers
October 16, 2015
By Laurie Morrissey We call them shooting stars, and they never fail to make us catch our breath in surprise and wonder. But they’re not stars at all. Those bright, brief streaks across the night sky are meteors. Clear skies permitting, the next few months bring three excellent chances to see batches of them. Meteors…
Learning to drive
October 16, 2015
Back in the 1960s when I was old enough to get my license, the high school I attended (Mount St. Joseph Academy, or MSJ) did not have driver education. In my youth there didn’t seem to be the urgency that today’s teens have to get a license. Once you got your license most kids drove…
Remembering the fun of fall
October 1, 2015
Recently a friend forwarded to me a Facebook picture of my friend Betty Clark and me in a huge pile of leaves. The picture had been taken in front of my house and it appeared in the Rutland Herald in 1956. Our arms are raised up in the air and our grins go from ear…
School days of yesteryear
September 24, 2015
Every year at this time I have a twinge of envy for students who go back to school. Fortunately for my parents, I loved school from day one. In fact, I loved it so much that I would have been a “professional student” after college if I could have earned a paycheck for learning! My…
Remembering the fair
September 18, 2015
When I was a little girl back in the 1950s this was a very exciting time of year. It was fair time! The fairgrounds have been located at 175 South Main Street in Rutland since 1856. The Vermont State Fair acquired its name in 1972. But my guess is that most people have always referred…
The fish and love connection
August 7, 2015
When I read about the recent engagement of Polly Lynn and Jason Mikula, co-publishers of The Mountain Times, it brought back memories of my own connection between “true love” and fish! In case you missed the article, Polly and Jason got engaged on the banks of the Madison River in Cameron, Montana, while on a…
Rutland Band Concerts
July 22, 2015
It’s not too often that an event I enjoyed as a child in the 50s can still be enjoyed today. But the Rutland City band concert in Main Street Park continues to delight those who attend. You will be pleasantly entertained on Sunday nights at 7 p.m. during 10 weeks of the summer. Growing up…
When the past becomes the present
July 10, 2015
As I grow older I realize that things I thought were about as exciting as watching paint dry have now worked their way into my life. It’s gardening season and I seem to have inherited both my father’s love of a vegetable garden and my mother’s passion for flowers. Since the majority of houses on…
Fun days at the North Main Street pool
June 26, 2015
In the summer of the 1950s and 1960s all of my friends could be found at the city pool on North Main Street. It was located on the west side of the street not far from Seward’s Restaurant. North Main Street, a.k.a. Route 7 North, was a two lane road in those days. We were…
School is out…now what?
June 10, 2015
When I was a kid in the 50s there was a phrase I often heard chanted at this time of year, “No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers’ dirty looks!” I really liked school, so that chant didn’t come from my lips. However, like any kid I looked forward to a summer full…
Cars and Conveniences
May 27, 2015
The conveniences and safety factors in today’s cars were not in effect when I was growing up back in the 1950s. A friend and I were reminiscing about car trips when we were kids. There were no seat belts and the cars I rode in did not have air conditioning. When you wanted air flow…
Looking Back: Blossoms make memories
May 14, 2015
Flowering trees are beginning to bud and perennial flowers are starting to poke their heads through the dirt. These brave souls endured a really frigid winter and will soon wow us with their tenacity. Many of the annual blossoms in our yard have a meaningful connection to people in my life. I welcome the memories…
Looking Back from New Jersey to Vermont
April 30, 2015
Are you thinking that the ski season is ending and you don’t want to leave Vermont? Then don’t, if there is a way around it! For some people life in Vermont compared to a big city just can’t be overlooked. Since my husband, Peter Shaw, was recently reflecting on the path his life took when…
Looking back: TV in the ‘50s
April 15, 2015
It’s hard to imagine the days when a TV was not part of a home. But that was the case on our street until the early 50s, when gradually families started to acquire one. Being told by your parents that they had bought a TV was the greatest news a child could hear. For me…