Discover More from This Category: Living the Dream
Settling into winter
December 16, 2020
By Merisa Sherman There is no time that simply awes like the first few days of winter settling into itself. Those snow covered days are plump and luscious, the beautiful fluffy world that we dream of when we say “powder day.” We imagine being wrapped in blankets, snuggled by the fire with a hot chocolate…
O, Christmas tree
December 9, 2020
By Merisa Sherman As a child, Christmas in our house was absolutely perfect – and was always a party. Friends and family would gather, Christmas music would be blaring and trays of hors d’oeuvres were placed in different rooms as there were always too many people to squish into the one room where everyone wanted…
Worth every chipping moment
December 2, 2020
By Merisa Sherman We arrived at the boat launch with the best on intentions. It was Thanksgiving and we wanted to do all our favorite activities before settling down to eat as much food as humanly possible. The idea was to sneak in a quick lap around the pond on our way up to go…
At long last, things get back to normal
November 25, 2020
By Merisa Sherman After 252 days, Killington Resort finally reopened to the public for skiing and riding this past weekend. For so many reasons, there was absolutely no place else that we have wanted to be for the past eight months, to remember the feeling our skis and boards gliding underneath us as we meander…
United in the brilliance of a winter sunset
November 18, 2020
By Merisa Sherman We pulled into an empty parking lot and raced down to the water, amazed that we are even still paddling this late in November. The BF unstrapped the canoe in record time while I grabbed our dry bags and paddles from the back seat. We could see the sky begin to hint…
Smoke ‘em if you’ve got ‘em!!
November 11, 2020
By Merisa Sheman The yard was covered in white. I mean, really covered in white. It wasn’t that pathetic little amount that we got on the first snowfall last week where you talk yourself into thinking that there’s probably enough snow to ski some laps around the yard before the snow is all gone. This…
It will snow again!
November 4, 2020
By Merisa Sherman It has snowed before and it will snow again. As the world swirls around us like snowflakes in a mid-winter storm, I find comfort in these words. I find that I repeat them to myself, like a comforting mantra, while I focus on my breathing. I let the words wrap around me…
Ode to a Pothole Garden
October 28, 2020
By Merisa Sherman Anticipation coincides with the rumble of the engine, as you switch from the pavement onto one of Vermont’s gravel roads. It’s past foliage, so reddish-brown leaves line the sides of the road like a rural sidewalk. Or it’s late spring and the leaves are their brightest green, weighing down the branches as…
Snowliage delights
October 21, 2020
By Merisa Sherman It starts the night before, as people start noticing the slight changes in the weather. Perhaps someone close to them has mentioned the forecast they have been following. You watch as your neighbor reaches for an old canvas to cover their most precious plants. Arriving restaurant guests remark on the bitter cold…
Perspective changes with the seasons
October 14, 2020
It began as a hike like any other. We met at the trailhead and slung our backpacks on our shoulders and pulled our sunglasses down to block the blinding autumn sun, while relishing the warmth. We started one way, and then abruptly changed our minds; we would walk straight up the big ascent first: a…
Camping in the rain
October 7, 2020
To hear the pitter-patter of rain on the roof of the tent or that faint trickle of water running down the fly and outward from your head can be wonderful. The soothing sounds of raindrops carry you off to sleep, like a baby being rocked by its mother. Snuggling deeper into your sleeping bag to…
Green Mountain sisters
September 30, 2020
By Merisa Sherman As we topped out, I could see the mountains spread majestically before me, layers of ridge lines fading to an almost blueish gray in the distance. The once green landscape was now filled with a myriad of colors, vibrant reds, stunning yellows, contrasting browns and the always present sections of dark pine…
The spirit of the Green Mountains
September 23, 2020
By Merisa Sherman Modern times call for faster cars and smoother roads, easing the methods of travel so we can get there quicker or go further. We are all trying to play keep-up by having the latest and the greatest, our noses glued to the blue light that comes out of our phones and rushing from…
Awaiting the first frost, the first ski
September 16, 2020
By Merisa Sherman As silly as it sounds, in my household the changing of the leaves brings thoughts of the first snow and conversations on when exactly that might potentially happen. Maybe it’s more thoughts of the first frost but it does still involve internal discussions of whether that frost could be potentially skiable in…
The simple beauty of autumn foliage in Vermont
September 9, 2020
By Merisa Sherman It all starts with a single leaf. There she would be, lying alone in the middle of a parking lot or a field. Without any of her friends around her and oftentimes no discernible origin. It’s usually a day with just a little breeze, a touch colder than normal but with enough…