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Turning point, find your balance

June 19, 2024
Three planets changing signs, plus a Solstice (June 20) and a Full Moon (June 21), you can expect things to turn around this week. So much has changed and it will take time to figure out your feelings about it all. It will be easier to connect thoughts and feelings, but possibly, not so easy…

Power isn’t a dirty word

June 12, 2024
There’s a certain kind of power in recalcitrance. It’s not so much about being stubborn. Rather, it’s more about defiant, yet righteous, disobedience. A refusal to co-operate. To not bend nor stretch to others’ ideas and opinions or what they want from you. And when I say “power,” c’mon, it’s 2024! Surely you’re not equating…

Face the truth, there’s potency in deciding

June 5, 2024
There is such potency and power in the act of deciding. It’s so potent that in fact, it has the capacity to change everything. Once you’ve reached a conclusion and the choice is made, all there is left to do is follow through.  But why is the decision itself hard? Is it the narrative on…

The cost of conformity

May 29, 2024
The threshold has been crossed that will define the next 12 months.  To face towards the light, you must first face the depths of doubt, your shadows from the past and decimate all uncertainty. Bow only to those who can place judgement upon you. And that will not be who you think.Strike the match. Light…

Truth is revealed through paradoxes

May 22, 2024
Scroll through any social media platform and you’ll notice titles such as “The truth About” Why are these titles so effective when the “truth” shared is merely an opinion? I guess somewhere along the timeline, humans became accustomed to the idea of believing in one thing, one supposed truth, a savior. Let’s be honest, it’s…

Be the lion among the sheep

May 15, 2024
Sometimes, a situation can be so unbelievable, so stark or so out of your comfort zone, that it doesn’t even fully register on your radar that it happened. Even when the blatantly obvious is right under your nose, you still don’t see it. Even when those who know, those who speak from experience, the blind…

A magic in the stillness

May 8, 2024
After the month that was, chances are that by now, you need a little resolve. This week brings one of the most calm and quiet weeks we’ll see in some time. Though collectively, we’ve grown grossly unused to it, there is a magic in the stillness,  in the calm and quiet where nothing seemingly happens.…

Boundary between chaos and order

May 1, 2024
April’s storms were turbulent. Explosions. People losing their heads. Temper tantrums. Life really has been feeling like its straddling the boundary between chaos and order. Chaos can make you feel like you have purpose. Expending rage, for rages sake. Unless you’re still wearing diapers, petulant behavior is rarely a good look. For brief period, the…

A quiet moment amidst the storm

April 24, 2024
As the dust begins to settle upon the chaos that April has been, thus far, don’t be fooled into thinking the storm is over. While the skies are quiet comparatively to what they’ve been, this is simply a chance to calm down, regroup and refocus. In times of war (real or metaphorical), in times of…

New seeds are planted

April 17, 2024
Arguably 2024’s most dynamic astrological event occurs this week — yes, I remember the Eclipse from last week. But this week, Jupiter and Uranus conjoin in Taurus. Renowned for its exciting, expansive and innovative potential, this combination can also bring turbulence and discomfort, too. You don’t have to be a Taurus to feel this. Somewhere…

A few obstacles to surmount

April 10, 2024
The adage that one door closes while another door opens is one I’m sure you know well. In theory, it sounds viable, practical and even doable. In reality, it doesn’t always feel so pleasant. How do you decide which door to close? How do you know you even want that door to close? If you…

Cosmic Catalogue: Agreement, compromise is unlikely this week

April 3, 2024
Monday morning and a bright new month begins, albeit on the back foot, as with Mercury, the planet of communication, thinking and logistics hits the brakes and heads in reverse. Don’t expect negotiations, agreements or deals to go according to plan. If you don’t get what you want, then you want nothing at all. These…

Cosmic Catalogue: ‘Win’ at all costs?

March 27, 2024
The lunar eclipse this past weekend began a dramatic turning point for events that will only be exacerbated by the upcoming solar eclipse. A full moon in Libra tends to highlight the dynamic of we versus me in relationships. The sun in Aries is individualistic and “me first.” While the full moon in Libra whispers,…

Cosmic Catalogue: Sometimes, refuse to agree

March 20, 2024
There appears to be quite a lot of confusion about what is balanced or about what is fair. What is fair to one person is unfair to the next. What seemed like a fair deal to you once upon a time doesn’t to you now, and vice versa. Who is someone to dictate to you…

Cosmic Catalogue: War of words will ensue

March 13, 2024
With Mercury in Aries and Venus sliding into Pisces this week, it might be easy to think that the tide is changing and everything is different. This isn’t entirely true. With Mercury in Aries for the next two months, arguments, battles and a war of words will ensue. As the fog of recent weeks dissipates,…