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This week, explore your options but delay decisions

August 21, 2024
Amidst the confusion, the change and the uncertainty there are a lot of options. One option is to see things from a pessimistic perspective. That nothing can be as good as it once was. It can be easy to fall into the trap of romanticizing the past. Was it actually that good or is it…

Stay connected to the truth

August 14, 2024
The events of this week are set to be spectacular as well as explosive. In fact, what occurs over the next 10 or so days will really set the scene for the rest of the year. In a world full of lies, deception and manipulated reality, staying connected to the truth can take real dedication…

Don’t confuse what you know as the truth

August 7, 2024
Delays, confusion and general upsets can be beyond frustrating while you’re in the thick of them. Few people enjoy having to go over old data, be that paperwork, logistics or having to communicate your desires or intentions over again.  Alas, fear not! Sometimes, the chance to re-do something is the chance to make it better.…

Focus on commonalities

July 31, 2024
One month ends, another begins. I do hope you get the chance to catch your breath a bit. Not just because you’re tired and not just because you need rest. But because the month of August is set up to be one of the most dynamic months when it comes to information overload, constant barrages…

Show up for yourself

July 24, 2024
As the spotlight of the Full Moon begins to slowly wane, the intensity of the Sun gains momentum as it shifts into its favorite sign, Leo. Now that things look so vastly different than they did before, it may be easier to come as you are, so to speak. The time to be silent, the…

Facts are not the same as truths

July 17, 2024
There are times where the astrology of a given moment in time is so literal, it’s almost as though the letters printed on the parchment of an ancient tome leapt straight off and came to life. There are times in life where a nanosecond is all it takes for a moment to become definitive and…

You are an original

July 10, 2024
You were born an original, so don’t be a copy. That being said, we live in an age where you’re expected to think the same things as everyone else because people are uncomfortable when you disagree with them. Just because I may be right, doesn’t mean that you are wrong. No one seems to want…

A chance to regain clarity, resolve

July 3, 2024
Every warrior, no matter how passionate, how furious or how righteous, grows weary eventually. This isn’t to say that being weary is a signal to quit. Quite the contrary. Sometimes you just need a little resolve. To lay down your sword a while and rest. While the battle will rage on a while yet, a…

What did you see that can’t be unseen?

June 26, 2024
The recent Full Moon brought light to an area of life that will set the stage for further unfoldment in the weeks and months to come. When something is seen or revealed, it can’t be unseen. You can ignore it. You can bury your head in the sand. Eventually, though, it will come back to…

Turning point, find your balance

June 19, 2024
Three planets changing signs, plus a Solstice (June 20) and a Full Moon (June 21), you can expect things to turn around this week. So much has changed and it will take time to figure out your feelings about it all. It will be easier to connect thoughts and feelings, but possibly, not so easy…

Power isn’t a dirty word

June 12, 2024
There’s a certain kind of power in recalcitrance. It’s not so much about being stubborn. Rather, it’s more about defiant, yet righteous, disobedience. A refusal to co-operate. To not bend nor stretch to others’ ideas and opinions or what they want from you. And when I say “power,” c’mon, it’s 2024! Surely you’re not equating…

Face the truth, there’s potency in deciding

June 5, 2024
There is such potency and power in the act of deciding. It’s so potent that in fact, it has the capacity to change everything. Once you’ve reached a conclusion and the choice is made, all there is left to do is follow through.  But why is the decision itself hard? Is it the narrative on…

The cost of conformity

May 29, 2024
The threshold has been crossed that will define the next 12 months.  To face towards the light, you must first face the depths of doubt, your shadows from the past and decimate all uncertainty. Bow only to those who can place judgement upon you. And that will not be who you think.Strike the match. Light…

Truth is revealed through paradoxes

May 22, 2024
Scroll through any social media platform and you’ll notice titles such as “The truth About” Why are these titles so effective when the “truth” shared is merely an opinion? I guess somewhere along the timeline, humans became accustomed to the idea of believing in one thing, one supposed truth, a savior. Let’s be honest, it’s…

Be the lion among the sheep

May 15, 2024
Sometimes, a situation can be so unbelievable, so stark or so out of your comfort zone, that it doesn’t even fully register on your radar that it happened. Even when the blatantly obvious is right under your nose, you still don’t see it. Even when those who know, those who speak from experience, the blind…