Discover More from This Category: Cosmic catalogue

Straddling the tension

February 17, 2021
Up until now, February has been marked by a kind of cosmic holding pattern. So many ideas filtering through the ether about how things could and should be, but wth  little means for making progress or taking action. Fortunately, this week brings the much-needed break in the weather. Mercury, the planet of communication and logistics,…

Find your genius in the stillness

February 10, 2021
By Cassandra Tyndall This week brings an exceptionally rare lineup of planets. Out of the seven visible planets astrologers consult, six of these will be in Aquarius. A similar lineup hasn’t been seen since 1962. This much cosmic focus will highlight a particular area of your own life. If you’re not sure what that might…

Try something different on for size

February 3, 2021
By Cassandra Tyndall The astrology of February is quite unique. With a total of six of the seven visible planets all congregating in the sign of Aquarius, there will be one area of life where you’ll be exerting a great deal of mental energy. Take note of the direction of the thoughts that occupy your…

Pressure can propel you to your goals

January 27, 2021
By Cassandra Tyndall Many moons ago, I had a powerlifting coach who helped me take my lifting goals to the next level. He used to call out a series of coaching cues that totally revolutionized the way I lifted. “Tighten up tension out,” he’d say in a calm deep voice as I prepared to deadlift.…

Move beyond your comfort zone

January 20, 2021
By Cassandra Tyndall Regardless of what you’ve got your sights on achieving this year, it takes bravery, courage and the willingness to see things differently to make the choice to change. Being amped up with an inflated sense of enthusiasm allows us to dream up the impossible and make it possible. Despite the best of…

Don’t let time slow you down

January 13, 2021
By Cassandra Tyndall If a change is worth making, the time it takes is worth taking. It’s easy to feel inspired by possibility, especially if you’re not satisfied by the current status quo. Dreaming up goals, making plans and thinking about the end point can help us visualize a better future. Without a sense of…

This year, prepare to experiment and adapt

January 6, 2021
By Cassandra Tyndall One of the highlights this week, and of this month, is the movement of action-planet Mars into Taurus. Thanks to an extremely long and rare trip through Aries, this is the first time in nearly six months we’ll have the opportunity to change the direction of our goals, plans and projects. Fast…

Take time to catch up with yourself

December 30, 2020
By Cassandra Tyndall So much has changed astrologically in the last couple of weeks. As we cross the threshold into a new calendar year, the sky is reasonably quiet, comparatively. Dec. 30 brings the Full Moon in Cancer. It’s been three years since the Moon has been at her most powerful without the influence of…

The Great Conjunction is here

December 23, 2020
By Cassandra Tyndall You’ve probably heard a lot about this week’s rare fusion between Jupiter and Saturn. Known as the Great Conjunction, this happens every twenty years. What’s especially unique about this particular conjunction is that it heralds a new almost 200-year cycle of Jupiter and Saturn conjoining in the air signs of Gemini, Libra…

Solstice sky show

December 16, 2020
By Meghan McCarthy Mcphaul One night just before Christmas last year, my youngest daughter and I opted to walk the short distance home from dinner at my parents’ house, rather than drive with the rest of the family. Our eyes adjusted to the night, and the snow beneath our feet shimmered, even in the winter…

Dance with the Devil

December 16, 2020
By Cassandra Tyndall A total Solar Eclipse occurring this week may help you re-arrange old ideas, perspectives and beliefs of what you once held dear. From the remains of what’s left, innovative new structures, ideas, beliefs and possibilities can be created. This eclipse is heavily influenced by the flurry of planetary changes that surround it.…

Nothing is certain

December 9, 2020
By Cassandra Tyndall One thing was for certain in 2020 and that is, that nothing was certain. As the New Year grows closer and we begin to reflect on the year that was, there is no way we could have known it would have looked quite like this. In our modern and material world, we…

Listen, don’t speak, this week

December 2, 2020
By Cassandra Tyndall We are currently traveling through the eclipse portal. This is the time between eclipses. The first lunar eclipse happened last week, and the following one, a total solar eclipse, happens mid-month. As a usual cosmic quirk, this time is renowned for being exceptionally quiet in the sky. It’s as if the sky…

Dream big

November 25, 2020
By Cassandra Tyndall The astro-territory looks very different from what it did this time last week. It feels a bit like a prelude to the significant shifts taking place next month. That being said, the skies are very quiet, offering the opportunity to get one’s ducks lined up. In other words, with logistics and communication…

Can you handle the truth?

November 18, 2020
By Cassandra Tyndall Do you remember the iconic scene from the movie, “A Few Good Men,” when the character played by Tom Cruise goes on a relentless search for the truth behind a murdered Marine? After weeks of investigating, probing and being guided by instinct, the dramatic climax in the courtroom is a movie scene…