Movie Diary

Dom Cioffi began The Movie Diary 30 years ago and continues it today! Its changed format over the years from being mostly a review of a movie in theaters to being mostly a chronicle of a life event that loosely ties into a recent film he’s watched. A former Mountain Times editor, Cioffi’s storytelling is always insightful.

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Changing of the guard

July 17, 2024
I graduated from high school in 1984, and while many things in the world are just the same, many other things are radically different.  First of all, there were no cell phones in 1984. If we wanted to talk to someone on the phone, we either had to be at home or had a dime…

Falling into the future

July 24, 2024
I’m currently at the beach on vacation. The daytime weather has been hot and humid with a slight cooling breeze blowing off the ocean. The nights have been hot as well, but the indoor air conditioning of our rented home is top notch, so sleeping isn’t an issue.  We awoke to dark, threatening clouds this…

Changing of the guard

July 17, 2024
I graduated from high school in 1984, and while many things in the world are just the same, many other things are radically different.  First of all, there were no cell phones in 1984. If we wanted to talk to someone on the phone, we either had to be at home or had a dime…

Pain is part of the game

July 10, 2024
I got into the habit many years ago of asking my son (whenever he was injured) how he rated his pain on a scale from 1 to 10. Inevitably, it was always a 10, but as time passed and he matured, the numbers varied, and the scale became a good gauge for me to discern…

Lessons worth teaching

July 3, 2024
Last week I wrote about my nephew making the decision to get into golf. Having just graduated from college and looking to make his mark on the world, he decided that knowing how to golf would not only be handy in business situations, but also appease his current girlfriend who happens to enjoy the game.…

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Firing up a passion

June 26, 2024
Growing up, my family always had a corner of the garage reserved for sports equipment. Nothing was new; it was mostly a conglomeration of hand-me-downs that family members had used throughout the years (the majority of it would be considered antiques by today’s standards). I remember a pair of wooden tennis racquets, a few baseball…

Testing the Limits

June 19, 2024
The PGA’s U.S. Open was held this past week. The tournament is traditionally considered the hardest test of golf in the calendar year. It is also one of four “majors,” meaning, of all the tournaments on the golf schedule, this is considered the most important, most profitable, and most coveted by the players. If you…

A labor of love

June 12, 2024
My son just graduated from high school. By my decree, the day after the ceremony, he started his first 40-hour workweek. The goal was not to force him into a career, it was simply my way of immersing him in the reality of what it feels like to be beholden to a job for five…

The reality of fiction

June 5, 2024
I drive a black Ford Ranger. It’s a basic truck with few bells and whistles other than heated seats and a cover for the back bed so my golf clubs don’t get wet.  My wife hates trucks and is persistently complaining about my need to own one. My response is always the same: It’s convenient…

A rock in a hard place

May 29, 2024
My wife and were out shopping recently when we stumbled upon a small concert taking place in a nearby park. It was one of those early evening performances that most cities sponsor throughout the summer months. There were people sitting on blankets in the grass while others had brought beach chairs. A few daring folks…

What are the chances?

May 22, 2024
Vesna Vulovic is a name etched in the annals of miraculous survival — perhaps the most unlikely survival story of all time. She was thrust into the spotlight on Jan. 26, 1972, when she unwittingly became a symbol of human resilience.  A native of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Vesna’s journey to that fateful day began like that…

It was 30 years ago today

May 15, 2024
I never dreamed of being a writer, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. It was an early morning in 1994, and I was standing in the composition department of the Mountain Times, having been hired the prior year as a part-time graphic artist. Computers were just coming onto…

The Movie Diary: As sweet as can be

May 8, 2024
  I don’t know when it first happened, but one day many years ago, after indulging in a donut, I experienced some odd discomfort in my chest; it was a burning sensation that felt like I had burped up acid. I didn’t initially attribute the feeling to the donut, but after having it occur multiple…

Shouldering the pain

May 1, 2024
When I was playing basketball in high school, there was a strict rule that no team member was allowed on the ski slopes during the season. Apparently, too many athletes had fallen prey to freak injuries while skiing and cost the school state championships.  I had been involved with basketball since grade school, so I…

A break in the action

April 24, 2024
When I was in college, my friends and I decided to vacation to Florida during spring break week. One of the guy’s parents lived near Ft. Lauderdale, so we made a plan to drive down in one 24-hour stretch, hang out for a few days, and then drive back. MTV was at its apex at…

A stroke of bad luck

April 17, 2024
The Masters ended this past weekend, and like so many other golf fans, I was glued to my phone and television for four days as the pageantry and competition unfolded. The event did not disappoint as the world’s No. 1 Scottie Scheffler struck precision golf shots for four days, outlasting any challenges his competitors made.…

Even the nights are better

April 10, 2024
Growing up, I was never the kid who caused a lot of trouble. I did my homework, played sports, and did my best to endear myself to girls. I suppose you could call me boring, but I looked at it as the easiest way to navigate childhood.  Not surprisingly, I had an older brother who…

The Movie Diary: Finding the right footing

April 3, 2024
Parents and children, if they’re lucky, will find a multitude of ways to bond. My son and I have been fortunate in this respect because we’ve always found common activities that have brought us closer together.  Early on, we bonded over Legos. I grew up enthralled with the plastic building blocks and subsequently passed this…

The Movie Diary: Fighting for a cause 

March 27, 2024
When I was growing up, my father loved to watch boxing on the weekends. I don’t remember him ever attending any in-person matches, but he would spend hours scrutinizing fights on television.  Since he controlled the dial, I watched a lot of boxing by default. I got to know the major fighters and their stats…

Movie Diary: You’ve got a friend

March 20, 2024
In life, inevitably, you will accumulate a group of people who traverse major milestones with you. You may not necessarily pick these people as much as haphazard circumstances bring you together. This certainly has been the case for me. After college, I moved back to my hometown; my college sweetheart followed soon after. We found…