Living the Dream

Merisa Sherman is a committed ski bum October to June, but don’t worry she enjoys the warmer months too paddling, hiking, biking, running… there’s so much to enjoy in the mountains of Killington and valleys surrounding — Merisa does it all! Live vicariously through here adventures here.

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A June 1 miracle

June 5, 2024
We got there at 7:30 in the morning, a good 90 minutes before the lift was scheduled to spin and discovered an already developed line. Skis and snowboards were laid on the ground, one right after the other, in a line that would eventually extend from the Superstar Quad around the Umbrella Bar and K-1…

Repetitive motion

July 24, 2024
Yesterday overwhelmed me and I didn’t get to play in the mountains and now today it is raining. Like really raining, not the kind of rain where you can still venture out under the canopy and return home with wet socks and muddy boots. It’s the kind where you have to hold your steering wheel…

For the love of good wine

July 17, 2024
My mom is going to kill me for writing this, but I had my first sip of wine at age 4. Actually it was four sips of wine, Manischewitz to be exact. So I don’t if it could actually be counted as wine, but I got to take one sip for each of the four cups…

Thick heavy water

July 10, 2024
It weighs on my chest, pressing downward with a force I never quite realized before. Each breath into my lungs feels slow, like I have to force the oxygen into my body rather than it just seeping in like normal. It’s heavy, this burden. The air is so thick it feels as though you are…

Fourth of July pledge, a commitment to our shared community

July 3, 2024
I totally forgot what day it was and almost forgot to write out a column! The weather has been stunning and work has been ... excitingly overwhelming over for the past few weeks. Like, overwhelming in a good way where you come back to your beautiful home at the end of the day and take…

Discover More from This Category: Living the Dream

Journeying up on the mountain

June 26, 2024
Stepping out of the woods, I giggled to myself as I felt the mountain embrace me. The baby’s-breath reached up to my armpits, tickling me as I walked across the trail, following the narrow but well trodden path. But not right now. At the end of June, nature still overwhelms the path, no one from…

Baseball memories

June 19, 2024
I have been to the new Yankee Stadium once. Obviously, since I still call it the “new” Yankee Stadium even though it’s over a decade old. Maybe it smells older now, that combination of piss, hot dogs and popcorn that lingered throughout the stadium. It was too new then, the smells were wrong, the field…

Secrets of early summer

June 12, 2024
Shhhh. Don’t tell anybody, but this is one of my all time favorite weeks of the year. The one where I make myself so exhausted that I am asleep before my head even hits the pillow. The one where I am up with the sunrise for no reason except that I cannot wait for the…

A June 1 miracle

June 5, 2024
We got there at 7:30 in the morning, a good 90 minutes before the lift was scheduled to spin and discovered an already developed line. Skis and snowboards were laid on the ground, one right after the other, in a line that would eventually extend from the Superstar Quad around the Umbrella Bar and K-1…

‘Shiffrin Gold’

May 29, 2024
The K Cloud had its way with us this Memorial Day, with a fog so thick that you didn’t realize you had gotten to the bottom of Superstar until you saw the two bright orange slow signs ahead in the mist. It was like being in a whole other world, our world, where only the craziest…

Moving sticks and rocks

May 22, 2024
By Merisa Sherman Then the tough choice of how to play today:ski, bike, paddle, fish, hike, run?  The bug went down my throat. Literally, flew down my throat and landed in the back at such speed that I had no choice but to just swallow. Mmmmm, gotta love that extra protein that Vermont provides during…

Absorbed and absorbing the moguls of Superstar

May 15, 2024
I couldn’t find my center of balance for the life of me. A few days off from skiing and I felt like a fish flopping about on dry land. I would get stuck in the rut and get launched upwards and then I could feel my weight slamming into the back of my boots. The…

Living the Dream: Choosing Killington

May 8, 2024
My mom moved here, to Killington, seven years ago, after the passing of my father. She was the first widow of her friend group and no one knew what to do with her in a world where everyone was coupled up. She was lonely and alone, so when the needlepoint shop that she worked at started…

Lot life

May 1, 2024
Three vibrant young 20-somethings were just gathering up, skis on their shoulders as they walked from their vehicle to the trailhead. Their day packs were small, ready for whatever fast and light adventure they had chosen for the day. But they had definitely been here before, definitely had a plan and definitely ended the day…

Loon vs. Canada goose: A battle for Goose Poop Island

April 24, 2024
I am pretty sure she was a little disappointed when I turned into the Kent Pond parking lot. Can someone really get excited about the 100 acre pond that you pass by all year long on the way to the resort or to work? It is definitely not expected when someone says “Will you take…

Spring slush, it’s fun to ski and paddle through

April 17, 2024
Settling into my lawn chair in the parking lot, I extend both legs outward. My toes are pointing straight up, my forward lean angle set by my ski boots — super soggy and full of water. I don’t want to even think about touching my wet socks. And the aroma that wafts through the parking…

Boring winter gives way to exciting spring

April 10, 2024
  I found myself stopping every few minutes. Not to catch my breath or recalibrate my route, but simply to stop moving for a moment and let myself really take it all in. Too much all at once, when there hasn’t been enough at all. From one of the most boring winters that I can…

Vermont and its bipolar spring

April 3, 2024
I woke up this morning to the sounds of birds chirping outside my window. And not just one lonely, mixed up and confused bird desperately looking for a bite to eat buried underneath the snow. No, this was a plethora of birds, belting out their happy morning songs on another beautifully warm day. Last week’s…

Livin’ the Dream: Bumps in the sun, au naturel

March 27, 2024
By Merisa Sherman I came over the crest, and my heart skipped a beat. I wasn’t ready for this kind of greatness. Who really was expecting something that I don’t remember witnessing since I was a child? A little one at that. But there it was, laid out in all its glory for everyone. Well,…

Women’s History Month: let’s bring more ladies along!

March 20, 2024
I know Vermont loves to trick us with the weather, but come on! This week has been absolutely ridiculous! I don’t know if it was the viral stomach infection I got messing with my mind or what, but I think Sunday had about five seasons all rolled into one 12-hour period. Between the pouring rain, sunshine,…