On April 17, 2024

New seeds are planted

Arguably 2024’s most dynamic astrological event occurs this week — yes, I remember the Eclipse from last week. But this week, Jupiter and Uranus conjoin in Taurus. Renowned for its exciting, expansive and innovative potential, this combination can also bring turbulence and discomfort, too.

You don’t have to be a Taurus to feel this. Somewhere in your horoscope, there is an area of life that is ruled by the bull. On the one hand, you might be easy going and flexible in one area. While on the other, obstinate, persevering and quite possibly, recalcitrant.

This makes this week’s astrology a mixed bag. If you’ve been feeling stuck or stagnant and need your cage rattled a bit, you may get the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. If you’re tired of the turbulence and long for a return to stability, you may have to endure more changes before you reach calmer pastures.

As often happens with larger planetary configurations, events may not happen this week but a seed, nonetheless, will be placed within the soil. Just when you think the potential and promise of what you planted isn’t going to manifest, the seed germinates. Late May and early June is likely to reveal exactly what kind of seed that has indeed been planted.

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