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Cosmic Catalogue: The truth will come out
November 22, 2023
No matter the era in time, no matter the race, the religion or the place you occupy on the globe, the most persecuted are always those who tell the truth. People say they want the truth, but you know how that goes… “You can’t handle the truth.” They believe in justice, in democracy, in…
Mountain Meditation : Bear cave wisdom
November 15, 2023
I sit in a semi lotus position in the Bear Cave, seeking solace to quiet and comfort my anxious racing mind. I know I have come to a place of tranquility, knowledge and wisdom gained over eons. I close my eyes and simply breathe. I am transported to a winter wonderland with glittering ice and…
Livin’ the Dream: Choose to improve
November 15, 2023
I make the first few turns and I can feel my right leg is uncooperative. My femur is initializing the turns just fine but I can feel the latency on the finish, causing the inside edge of my tip to get caught on whatever sugar snow it can find. The delay in my right…
The Movie Diary:The name of the game
November 15, 2023
In 1934, a radio show entitled “The Major Bowes Amateur Hour” was launched across the United States, making it one of the first known talent shows with a national audience. The weekly show was hosted by Edward Bowes (a well-known radio personality of the time), who was convinced audiences would be intrigued by regular…
The Outside Story: Muscling through migration
November 15, 2023
During the autumn months, many birds migrate from their summer breeding grounds in the Northeast to warmer wintering areas south of our region. Migratory birds include many species of raptors and waterfowl, which we often notice because of the birds’ large size and their tendency to travel in groups. Sometimes, as is the case…
Senior Scene: Generosity and outreach: opportunities abound in November
November 15, 2023
Generosity and outreach: opportunities abound in November November: The awkward middle child between Halloween candy and Christmas cookies As the transition from fall to winter, November is for change and preparation. That means it is time to give your rooms, wardrobe, body and mind a de-clutter. Get rid of things you don’t need,…
Poetry Is Power: The snowflake’s message
November 15, 2023
Snowflakes, They shimmer, They shine, Oh so tiny, Oh so many, Thousands and thousands, Cover the ground, Swirling and twirling, Dancing in the sky, Blanketing the ground frosty white, It looks like some magical land, Powdered sugar falling, Marshmallow clouds, But no this is earth, As beautiful as can be, Outside in nature, Is…
Cosmic Catalogue: The courage to break free
November 15, 2023
Whether you’re a scroller of Instagram or TikTok or whether you’re watching the talking heads on mainstream media, it’s all just flickering shadows on the wall. The Allegory of Plato’s Cave is as real now as it ever was. As long as you keep your mind and your soul chained to the wall, you…
The Outside Story: Buckthorn: A tenacious invasive
November 14, 2023
Of all the non-native, invasive plants in the Northeast, buckthorn is among the most hated by forest stewards. There are two types of invasive buckthorn in our region: glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus) and common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), also called European buckthorn. Both plants grow quickly, have prolific seed spreading habits, and have become so…
Movie Diary: Rollercoaster of love
November 14, 2023
If you’ve ever wondered about the most tumultuous relationships in history and then decided to scour the history books for information, you’ll likely land on the romance between Cleopatra and Mark Antony. Their passionate and dramatic love affair played out against the backdrop of political intrigue, power struggles, and intense warfare in the 1st…
Livin’ the Dream: Skiing brings out our best
November 14, 2023
We did not want to miss a moment of the pregame festivities this year, so we pulled into the parking lot around 8 a.m. Barely able to sleep, we were there two hours before the lifts were scheduled to start. But we were not the only ones with our eyes on the prize, unable to…
Mountain Meditation: The Great Moose Spirit on River Road
November 8, 2023
When my husband returned from the Killington dump, he was excited and shared his surprise. “Guess what I encountered on River Road?” “A bear? A beaver? Canada geese?” Something MUCH bigger. “A moose!” he exclaimed. “When I turned on River Road, I couldn’t believe that a bull moose with a full rack or antlers…
Poetry Is Power: Shimmering frost
November 8, 2023
Frost, Shimmering, Swirls and twists, Of little shards of ice, Making beautiful designs, Little snowflakes join, Twirling in the air, Making everything so stunning, For all to enjoy, Shimmering frost.
Cosmic Catalogue: Be the calm
November 8, 2023
In an ideal world, we’d all like things to go smoothly. To go the way we want, the way we imagine and the way we aspire things to be. Progress of any kind is never linear. So why is it we beat ourselves up, get ourselves in an emotional state or even worse, play…
The Funologist: Practice: Part 2
November 1, 2023
Natural motivator "Every day, you should do something that scares you a little and excites you a lot." -Eleanor Roosevelt I was ready to wander. My completed book manuscript had been sent to the printer. I packed for a solo trip that I was afraid to take. As a happy, busy grandmother for 10…