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Mountain Meditation: Last bear cave message until spring

December 6, 2023
  If you follow my columns, you know I’m an artist and writer with a vivid imagination. My spiritual mentor says it assists me in communicating with the spiritual world. Our anthropologist friend and neighbor says I’m lucky my imagination allows me to explore my unconscious like Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung did. Jung believed the…

Poetry is Power: Dogs are friends forever

December 6, 2023
  Dogs, Are friends, Are love, Are happiness, Are fun, Are companions. Dogs are amazing, They are so important to our lives, They brighten things up when it gets dark. They are always our friends, They listen to us, They are always positive and wanting to play, They tell us that everyone needs a friend,…

Cosmic Catalogue: The good fight

December 6, 2023
  Do you remember the good ol’l days when Saturn was in Capricorn? Concepts such as “boundaries” and “clarity” and the word “no” actually meant something. If you stood up for yourself or honored what was right for you, you were “so brave.” Then Saturn moved into Aquarius. What was right for you didn’t mean…

December is the start of bird feeding

November 29, 2023
By John Hall, VTF&W Bird feeders offer an easy and safe way to interact with wildlife, and installing them after Dec .1 limits the potential to attract bears, keeping you, your pets, the birds and the bears themselves safe — and properly wild.      “Winter bird feeding is a great way to observe and…

Livin’ the Dream: Base-building snowfalls

November 29, 2023
  By Merisa Sherman With my sleeping bag nestled snugly around me and a hot chocolate in my mittened hands, I sat on my front porch watching the snow slowly make its way down. It’s my favorite moment, that peaceful time when the snow absorbs all the sound and there is nothing to do but…

The Movie Diary: Dream a Little Dream

November 29, 2023
    By Dom Cioffi  I know it’s not the most traditional way to celebrate Thanksgiving, but this year, my family traveled to the beach to commemorate the holiday. Going to the beach during the off-season can be rewarding. Generally, the crowds are at a minimum, so it’s easy to go out to dinner and…

The Outside Story: Canada Yew: A native evergreen

November 29, 2023
    By Susan Shea  For thousands of years, people have decorated their homes with evergreen boughs, a symbol of eternal life, during the darkest time of the year ­— around the winter-solstice and Christmas. In addition to common species such as spruce and fir, I’ve noticed another evergreen in my neighborhood: a low, sprawling…

Looking Back: Life on the farm versus life in the city

November 29, 2023
Submitted   By Mary Ellen Shaw   The Mountain Times forwarded to me a hand-written letter from a regular reader of my “Looking Back” column. Her name is Ellen Lee Jones. She shared with me what she remembers about her own life when she “looks back.” Ellen gave permission for me to use the details…

Poetry Is Power: Shining evergreens

November 29, 2023
By Bree Sarandrea   Crystals sparkle, As the sun hits, Just right, The evergreens shine, As if glitter had just been, Sprinkled all over them. Even the pine cones shimmer, The trees sparkle so bright, They almost look like they’re glowing, The branches have piles of snow, Resting on them, Making them twinkle so bright.…

Cosmic Catalogue: Facts are fuzzy

November 29, 2023
  By Cassandra Tyndall When troubled times are on the horizon, there are various options to explore to discover truth.  There is religion.  There is wisdom from philosophers from ancient eras.  There are the historical facts, which can help put it in context.   One thing is for certain, as Greek philosopher Aeschylus said,” The…

A special place: For Vermont artist Carrie Pill it’s in the mountains

November 22, 2023
By Sarah Calvin Picture yourself at the top of a small hill, your snowshoes strapped tightly to your winter boots. The frosty air kisses your cheeks as you breathe in the crispness of the winter day. You take a step, beginning to go down the trail, but the snow is loose and your feet slide,…

Livin’ the Dream: A skier’s Thanksgiving

November 22, 2023
It’s that lovely time of year where we gather around a table with our family and closest friends. We fly across the country and drive for hours to interact with our loved ones or just sit staring at the parades and football games on television. Some of us go for a trot or a hike…

Movie Diary: When the rubber hits the road

November 22, 2023
    If you look close enough and deep enough, sometimes you’ll find that great things can emerge from horrible events. Take Allison Parliament’s situation, for example.  During the recent pandemic, Allison was traveling alone from the United States to Canada to visit family. At the time, the number of Covid cases in the States…

The Outside Story: Pine siskins erupting

November 22, 2023
 If you are prone to looking up as you walk (or pedal or drive) among trees, you may have noticed a bumper crop of cones clinging to the highest branches of white pine trees this summer and fall. Around my yard, the red squirrels have been busy gathering cones, chattering away as they scamper through…

Mountain Meditation: Bear Cave wisdom: With positive thoughts and each day is Thanksgiving

November 22, 2023
  “Good morning Bear. I am happy to be with you. What would you care to share today?” I ask. “Good day, sweet Jill. What a glorious day to meet in our cave. I want to convey an important point that good health is a state of mind. Whenever we permit a negative influence, thought…