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Mountain Meditation: Building our Killington dream lodge, Part 1: Vermont or bust

February 7, 2024
Forward: I’ve decided to share my family’s adventures of building our ski house since I was a girl.  For several weeks, I’ll recount in my column early memories of our Killington years. Isn’t it strange while living our lives, we often lose sight of what is special—of people, places, and all that helps to form…

Senior Scene: February, the month of love

February 7, 2024
“Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you,” said Princess Diana. February is the month of love, and hopefully, we are surrounded from all directions: family, friends and pets. Love and kindness all make a difference and…

Looking Back: Growing up in Queens versus Rutland

February 7, 2024
A column that I wrote awhile back compared growing up in the city to growing up in the country. Reading that column caused a friend of mine to take her own trip back in time and she shared her memories with me. As I was reading her email I realized that my early years in…

Perfecting the life of a ‘ski bum’

February 7, 2024
When I first moved to Killington in the early 2000s, I was able to skin right out my door and into the woods. I mean, literally. On a snowy day, I could put my skis on the walkway, make a couple strides through the parking area and then climb a plowed berm into the woods…

The Movie Diary: Tripping the light fantastic

February 7, 2024
  I had landed in Paris after an overnight flight, found my hotel room in the city center, and was now ready to begin my adventure. I had been planning this trip for years, and now the events were finally unfolding.  Looking back, it may have been a bit of a midlife crisis. I was…

The Outside Story: Red velvet mites in winter

February 7, 2024
Bright red, soft, and velvety … no, I’m not describing a Valentine’s Day decoration, but a red velvet mite. Built like eight-legged, scarlet Beanie Babies, red velvet mites are hard to miss, even though most of them are no bigger than an eighth of an inch long. They are arachnids in the family Tombidiidae, so…

What season is it today? Snowbathing season 

February 7, 2024
Winter has arrived. In fits and starts as the pattern is now. It came in an all-day snowstorm, covering every surface in deep, furry pillows of white. All wildlife went silent, hidden and still. They will return when the storm passes. Hungry. Cold constricts and heat expands. Sick with Covid and the unhelpful gremlins Gripe,…

Poetry is Power: The song of the birds

February 7, 2024
Birds, They flutter around, Their tiny little wings beating so fast, You can barely see them, They are just a blur flying past you, Then they fly up to the nearest tree, And they sing. They sing their happy little songs of love and joy, Maybe if you sit there watching them, One curious little…

Cosmic Catalogue: Words at face value

February 7, 2024
Some words, once spoken, can’t be taken back. However, words these days seem to mean whatever people want them to mean. Don’t like a word? Then change the meaning of it. Don’t like its definition? Then take it out of context and manipulate it. Doesn’t fit with feelings? Then demand that others affirm it, even…

Livin’ the Dream: Bodies in flow

January 31, 2024
I love a good party. And by good party, I mean one where everyone is on the dance floor, free of their inhibitions and simply loving life. The ones where your vision starts to blur and all that surrounds you is the sound of music and the feel of the dance floor beneath your feet.…

The Movie Diary: The gift that keeps on giving

January 31, 2024
For the first 10 years of my marriage, my mother-in-law gave me pajama pants for Christmas. She was a self-avowed horrible gift-giver and upon gracing me with the sleepwear, would announce, “Yeah, it’s another pair of pajamas. Just switch them out and keep quiet.” The pajama pants were generally good quality, usually flannel, with some…

The Outside Story: Discovering Orion

January 31, 2024
You know Orion always comes up sideways. Throwing a leg up over our fence of mountains, And rising on his  hands, he looks in on me… So wrote Robert Frost in his poem “The Star-splitter.” The aesthetic wonder of this easy-to-find constellation and its twinkling starlight have captured the imagination of countless stargazers. But the…

Mountain Meditation: Trickster’s message: Lighten up

January 31, 2024
I haven’t been in touch with Bear Spirit for a while. I thought I’d let him hibernate in peace and quiet. But then I recalled I hadn’t shared all my interaction with the coyote who appeared in person and in spirit right before the snow fell. I entered my Radiant Heavenly Heat Sauna and began…

The beauty of ice

January 31, 2024
Ice shimmers like glass, Reflecting the beautiful night sky, The moon and stars on the ice, Sparkling in the light, Almost like a mirror, So very pretty, Brightly glistening, As if had been polished, Polished so well it has a faint glow, So amazing the things earth can create, Little decorations that make our planet…

Cosmic Catalogue: A bit of an adjustment on perspective

January 31, 2024
January ended very similarly to how it began. Challenges or obstructions to relationships or relating, or even defining your desires and goals for the New Year may have weighed heavy. In order to have one thing, it often means having to say “No” to something else.  To take one side of an issue can appear…