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The Day the Monkee Died

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips updated Wed, Mar 7, 2012 09:15 AM As I write this column, news of Davy Jones death is about 24 hours old. Boomers get a dose of reality each time a music legend passes away. The day the music dies is a creepy reminder of our own mortality. We all want to…

Off-line dating: How did we meet boys before the internet?

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips updated Wed, Feb 22, 2012 10:43 AM Online dating is big business that continues to gain popularity at a rapid pace. Sites like and eHarmony promise to help you find your soulmate by cross-referencing likes, dislikes and personality traits. Though you may tend to think online dating is exclusive to the…

Time flies – Even when you’re not having fun

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips updated Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:08 PM A friend recently compared getting old to a roll of toilet paper - the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. What a wonderful analogy about how time is literally running out for some of us. And now to add insult to…

It’s a small world until it comes to the Buffets

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips updated Fri, Jan 13, 2012 01:22 PM I was raised by a single mom who mastered the art of stretching a dollar. She would buy a whole chicken and roast it to perfection for a Sunday dinner, accompanied by creamy mashed potatoes and a vegetable. During the week that followed, the dinner…

I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date

July 10, 2014
by Cindy Phillips updated Wed, Nov 2, 2011 01:14 PM This Sunday, November 6, marks the end of 2011's daylight savings time period. It began on March 13th when we all turned our clocks ahead by one hour. This Sunday, we turn them back and, once again, the world of time will be balanced. Or…

A Hard Day’s Night

July 10, 2014
by Cindy Phillips updated Wed, Oct 19, 2011 07:50 AM I read the news today, oh boy. Paul McCartney wed Nancy Shevell. I have to admit, here I am 57 years old and I actually felt my heart drop a little when I saw the headline. Why didn't he pick me? I laughed out loud…

Getting Less Trashy

July 10, 2014
by Cindy Phillips updated Tue, Sep 20, 2011 10:01 AM I am very familiar with the sound of a dumpster being emptied. At our business in Vermont, the living quarters are directly above the dumpster pad. Where I stay in South Carolina, it is also in very close proximity to one of the neighborhood dumpsters.…

They taught our children well

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips updated Fri, Jun 27, 2014 11:03 AM Schools are letting out for the summer and I expect for most teachers, it can't come soon enough. Violence in schools has become far too common an occurrence. It wasn't that long ago that news of a school shooting brought our country to its knees.…

It happens to the best of us

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips updated Wed, Apr 30, 2014 11:12 PM A friend recently referred to me as "a nostalgic old fool." I wasn't insulted. For a Boomer it's pretty much our right of passage. As we close in on the reality of our own eventual mortality, we find ourselves feasting on the remembrances of our…

Sometimes coming full circle is a good thing

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips updated Thu, Jan 9, 2014 01:49 PM I just moved into a new home. I did it two days after Christmas which was not the best timing, but it saved me a boatload of money that can go into my retirement account instead. These days, the main focus is the retirement account…

Treasuring old friendships: The Old Lange Sign

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips updated Wed, Dec 28, 2011 08:50 AM We Boomers have all heard the story of how many people thought the lyrics in the Creedence Clearwater song, Bad Moon Rising, actually talked about "the bathroom's on the right." Add to this list of misheard lyrics Jimmy Hendrix's Purple Haze line of "Scuse me,…

You Can’t Wash Away Spirit

July 10, 2014
by Cindy Phillips updated Mon, Sep 5, 2011 12:22 PM We baby boomers are a resilient bunch. Many of us were raised by parents who survived the Great Depression. They found ways to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads with very little. Many of our grandparents came to America with nothing, but with…

When Does My Hair Turn Blue?

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips updated Wed, Mar 21, 2012 10:22 AM Daylight savings time is wreaking havoc with my body clock. I was in a nice routine of waking up 10 minutes before my alarm chimed at 6 a.m. But since springing forward, I find myself walking around in a catatonic state until lunch time. My…

Boomers on aging perhaps not-so-gracefully

July 10, 2014
By Scott Funk posted Jun 26, 2013 So, we aren't called 'Baby Boomers' anymore. If you've been around for half a century or so, 'baby' just doesn't cut it. We are 'Boomers' and we have pretty much had it our way our entire lives. Love us or hate us, we have been hard to ignore.…

Killington Village: One step closer

July 9, 2014
Talk of a village at the base of Killington is decades old, but plans are now starting to take shape. Last Tuesday, Feb. 28, SP Land Company, LLC. filed its Act 250 permit application for the $133.4 million Phase 1 of development, along with the conceptual Killington Village Master Plan and a revised application for…