From The Author

Dom Cioffi

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Testing the Limits

June 19, 2024
The PGA’s U.S. Open was held this past week. The tournament is traditionally considered the hardest test of golf in the calendar year. It is also one of four “majors,” meaning, of all the tournaments on the golf schedule, this is considered the most important, most profitable, and most coveted by the players. If you…

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A labor of love

June 12, 2024
My son just graduated from high school. By my decree, the day after the ceremony, he started his first 40-hour workweek. The goal was not to force him into a career, it was simply my way of immersing him in the reality of what it feels like to be beholden to a job for five…

The reality of fiction

June 5, 2024
I drive a black Ford Ranger. It’s a basic truck with few bells and whistles other than heated seats and a cover for the back bed so my golf clubs don’t get wet.  My wife hates trucks and is persistently complaining about my need to own one. My response is always the same: It’s convenient…

A rock in a hard place

May 29, 2024
My wife and were out shopping recently when we stumbled upon a small concert taking place in a nearby park. It was one of those early evening performances that most cities sponsor throughout the summer months. There were people sitting on blankets in the grass while others had brought beach chairs. A few daring folks…

What are the chances?

May 22, 2024
Vesna Vulovic is a name etched in the annals of miraculous survival — perhaps the most unlikely survival story of all time. She was thrust into the spotlight on Jan. 26, 1972, when she unwittingly became a symbol of human resilience.  A native of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Vesna’s journey to that fateful day began like that…