From The Author

Cassandra Tyndall

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Consider the facts

October 2, 2024
T’would be wise to tread gently over the next few days. Notice I didn’t say, “back down,” “retreat” or “give up?” Alas, it’s even more important than ever to hold your ground and fight for what’s right. With many voices of confusion lying, scheming and twisting things, it can be easy for some to lack…

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What does balance actually mean?

September 26, 2024
For the most part, it’s recommended to see a balanced perspective on things. The more points of view you take in, the more likely you’ll gain a well rounded approach to things. The consensus model can be wonderful like that. That said, there has never been a time in history where we have been subjected…

What does balance actually mean?

September 25, 2024
For the most part, it’s recommended to see a balanced perspective on things. The more points of view you take in, the more likely you’ll gain a well rounded approach to things. The consensus model can be aThat said, there has never been a time in history where we have been subjected to the opinions…

Peeking into the future? 

September 18, 2024
You probably like astrology because it can give you a glimpse into the future. That said, if you could really open the curtain and take a peek into 2025, would you? If you actually could see which areas of life were going to be lit up and which ones may diminish, would it change your…

Lean into facts

September 11, 2024
Late July seems like a long time ago now and in some ways it is. Much has changed on many fronts collectively, personally and of course, astrologically. One cycle has come back to remind us of something we may have got lost in for a while — facts! Remember those? Those things that are all…

Act: you know what’s required

September 4, 2024
A lot happens this week. It will set the tone not just for the week nor the month, but for the rest of 2024 and beyond. You’re being called to reopen an old chestnut you hoped you wouldn’t have to. You know how they say lessons repeat until they’re learned? What have you been trying…

Proceed with caution

August 28, 2024
All the things that have been slow to gain momentum over the past few weeks look set to get back on track. The thoughts, the ideas and the logistics and plans that have been on the back burner are now back on the table. Reason being is that Mercury hits the brakes and starts to…

This week, explore your options but delay decisions

August 21, 2024
Amidst the confusion, the change and the uncertainty there are a lot of options. One option is to see things from a pessimistic perspective. That nothing can be as good as it once was. It can be easy to fall into the trap of romanticizing the past. Was it actually that good or is it…

Stay connected to the truth

August 14, 2024
The events of this week are set to be spectacular as well as explosive. In fact, what occurs over the next 10 or so days will really set the scene for the rest of the year. In a world full of lies, deception and manipulated reality, staying connected to the truth can take real dedication…

Don’t confuse what you know as the truth

August 7, 2024
Delays, confusion and general upsets can be beyond frustrating while you’re in the thick of them. Few people enjoy having to go over old data, be that paperwork, logistics or having to communicate your desires or intentions over again.  Alas, fear not! Sometimes, the chance to re-do something is the chance to make it better.…

Focus on commonalities

July 31, 2024
One month ends, another begins. I do hope you get the chance to catch your breath a bit. Not just because you’re tired and not just because you need rest. But because the month of August is set up to be one of the most dynamic months when it comes to information overload, constant barrages…

Show up for yourself

July 24, 2024
As the spotlight of the Full Moon begins to slowly wane, the intensity of the Sun gains momentum as it shifts into its favorite sign, Leo. Now that things look so vastly different than they did before, it may be easier to come as you are, so to speak. The time to be silent, the…

Facts are not the same as truths

July 17, 2024
There are times where the astrology of a given moment in time is so literal, it’s almost as though the letters printed on the parchment of an ancient tome leapt straight off and came to life. There are times in life where a nanosecond is all it takes for a moment to become definitive and…

You are an original

July 10, 2024
You were born an original, so don’t be a copy. That being said, we live in an age where you’re expected to think the same things as everyone else because people are uncomfortable when you disagree with them. Just because I may be right, doesn’t mean that you are wrong. No one seems to want…

A chance to regain clarity, resolve

July 3, 2024
Every warrior, no matter how passionate, how furious or how righteous, grows weary eventually. This isn’t to say that being weary is a signal to quit. Quite the contrary. Sometimes you just need a little resolve. To lay down your sword a while and rest. While the battle will rage on a while yet, a…

What did you see that can’t be unseen?

June 26, 2024
The recent Full Moon brought light to an area of life that will set the stage for further unfoldment in the weeks and months to come. When something is seen or revealed, it can’t be unseen. You can ignore it. You can bury your head in the sand. Eventually, though, it will come back to…