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Pope Francis: A day to care for creation

September 9, 2015
By Deb Markowitz Last week I had an opportunity to spend some time with an older gentleman who has lived in the hills of Vermont his whole life. As he showed me his land, he shared his belief that more Vermonters are environmental stewards than folks in other states because we are connected to the…

Keep the slip lane

September 9, 2015
Dear Editor, It appears that there is a concerted Killington town effort to either eliminate the West Hill slip lane, or make it dysfunctional. For many years the slip lane has safely removed exiting Access Road traffic from the dysfunctional Route 4 intersection during peak ski traffic mass exodus times. The convoluted logic to force…

Legislators do listen

September 9, 2015
Dear Editor, The Maine House of Representatives made big news at the end of June: it soundly defeated a bill to legalize retail marijuana, 98-45. This is significant for two reasons. First, the margin of defeat was a full 27 points greater than the first time Maine turned down a pot legalization bill in 2013.…

Boy Scouts of America expands its appeal

September 9, 2015
Dear Editor, For 105 years, the Boy Scouts of America has played an important and significant role in shaping the lives of its youth members by instilling in them the values found in the Scout Oath and Law. For those readers who are unfamiliar with the Oath and Law, please read on: Scout Oath: "On…

“Right to Work” cause is misleading, benefits employers, not workers

September 9, 2015
Dear editor, In this past week’s edition Rob Roper, president of the Ethan Allen Institute, wrote an opinion telling us that in order to improve the job market in Vermont we need to become a "right-to-work" state and that all workers should become "independent contractors" instead of employees. If employees became contractors, business owners would…

Engaging Vermont kids in and out of the classroom

September 9, 2015
The end of summer and the beginning of another school year is an important milestone in the life of each child. For many Vermont kids, this summer was likely a time of rich experience and opportunity, with travel to a new place, quality time with family and friends, camp, and days packed with learning, excitement,…

Rutland taking leadership in Vermont’s climate economy

September 9, 2015
By Mayor Christopher Louras On Aug. 26 I co-hosted (with the Vermont Council on Rural Development) a regional public forum at the Paramount Theatre on Advancing Vermont’s Climate Change Economy. The City of Rutland has garnered statewide and, in numerous instances, national recognition for embracing solar development as a tool to promote itself as a…

A unique category of persons

September 9, 2015
By Lisa Chalidze Pregnant women: hardly the stereotypical political image. Yet birth stirs up intense political, moral and even legal controversy. Why? Maybe it’s really a question of power? In our society, there is a trade-off between individual liberty, on the one hand, and compliance with social rules, on the other hand. To protect itself…


August 28, 2015
Dear Editor, I’m waiting on some answers from past letters to the editor, which my understanding Killington Selectboard Chair Patty McGrath has stated: “I also plan to continue to write letters monthly to The Mountain Times to address citizens concerns publicly so that all residents and property owners can stay apprised of the facts.” I…

Pampered Chef bingo fundraiser a community success

August 28, 2015
Dear Editor, On Sunday, Aug. 9, 2015, ARC Rutland Area again held their Annual Janet Wetherby Pampered Chef bingo at the American Legion in Rutland. The event is one of only two fundraisers held by ARC each year. The funds collected go towards the services provided to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, which…

Where every student has a voice

August 28, 2015
By Rebecca Haslam Editor’s note: This commentary is by Rebecca Haslam, who is the 2015 Vermont State Teacher of the Year. It is republished here with permissions from VTDigger which published the commentary on Aug. 18. Haslam teaches first grade and serves as the K-5 social studies and equity curriculum coach in the Burlington School…

In age of Uber, “Right to Work” makes more sense than ever

August 28, 2015
By Rob Roper Vermont is a tougher than average place to make a living. No secret there. One of the first questions you get from folks you meet is, “You live here full time? How do you make it work?” Some of the answers are necessarily creative. Vermont is a great place to live, but…

House Speaker Shap Smith announces bid for governor

August 28, 2015
By Anne Galloway, Shap Smith, the longtime speaker of the Vermont house of representatives, formally launched his campaign for governor on Wednesday, Aug. 19, in his hometown, Morrisville. He is the first candidate among a large field of "maybes" to declare a bid for governor. Smith used the former Arthur’s Department Store, which has…

Tom Leypoldt announced as new executive director at PEGTV

August 28, 2015
RUTLAND — PEGTV, Rutland County’s public access television station, officially announce Tom Leypoldt as their new executive director on Tuesday, Aug. 25. Leypoldt has been the channel 15 coordinator for the last 20 years and will take over the helm starting Sept. 1. "Tom Leypoldt has been an important part of our community's PEGTV stations…

Citizens of Killington: beware of the traffic that closure will cause

August 19, 2015
Dear Editor, Vito Rasenas’ letter in the Aug. 13-19 edition of The Mountain Times is right on the money. The Killington Selectboard and town manager have been slowly and methodically trying to eliminate the “Slip Road.” This started well over a year ago with a suggestion by one of the selectmen to create a park…