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Finding the light in the darkness
November 6, 2024
To say we’ve arrived at a fork in the collective road is an understatement. Regardless of outcomes, that reality isn’t going to change; it’s inevitable now. It’s more than probable we are already on the highway to hell; it’s just a case of who will take us there faster. All that said, though, do you…
Petrichor: A scent of rocks and rain
November 6, 2024
When I hug my son after a day of fall bouldering, his hair smells of the sun-warmed rock we’ve been climbing over. It’s a distinctive odor, evocative of gray ledges and golden light returning after rain, and yet it’s not the rock I’m smelling, but tell-tale traces of life. People have written about – and…
Rockin’ the Region with the 3rd Annual Vermont Comedy Festival
November 6, 2024
Start planning for the 3rd annual Vermont Comedy Festival, Dec. 5-8, with shows throughout this region. I spoke with comics and co-founders Collen Doyle and Matt Vita to learn more about this year’s event. They received hundreds of submissions from comedians all over the country, which they had to whittle down to about 50. Those…
Closing Time: How (some) turtles shut their shells
November 1, 2024
In cartoons, when a turtle is spooked, it retreats into and closes up its shell. While used for comic effect, this imagery is based in fact – although not all turtles are capable of this protective feat. In the Northeast, three native turtle species have hinged shells: the Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii), the common musk…
Nice, our grand finale
October 30, 2024
This French holiday has been quite unique with stunning views at all of our stays. From Les Montagnes des Étoiles (the Mountain Range of the Stars) above Marseille in charming Allauch, to two mountain ranges (one on each side) in beautiful Valence, to a distant sea and Nice City view from Cimiez (where Henri Matisse…
Remembering fads from the ‘50s, ‘60s
October 30, 2024
Every generation has its fads and they produce some fond memories as you look back at what they were. I grew up in the ‘50s and ‘60s and will share with you some interesting fads from that time period. Drive-in movie theaters were very popular during those years. There was one located in Rutland Town…
Vermont’s Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame celebrates the spirit of the slopes
October 30, 2024
Baseball has its Hall of Fame decorated with the green serpentine marble from the Rochester Quarry in Vermont. Football has a Hall of Fame. And the Basketball one is right down the way in Springfield, Massachusetts. But here in Vermont, our versions are a little different. We have the Vermont Ski & Snowboard Museum, which…
‘Stone in Love’
October 30, 2024
I have a poignant memory involving the song “Stone in Love,” released by the band Journey in 1981. I can’t tell you the exact date of my memory, but it probably coincided with the popularity of the aforementioned song, likely around my sophomore year of high school. The memory revolves around a weekend night in…
Making Halloween
October 30, 2024
Whether you went to the Wobbly to be seen and dance to club music, went to see Phish from Vermont at the charity event in Albany to support addiction recovery, or you’re just trick or treating somewhere with the littles, Halloween time is accessible and fun for everyone. Halloween has been my favorite holiday, since…
‘Lee’ offers snapshots instead of a complete picture
October 30, 2024
Ellen Kuras’ film reminds that someone higher up holds the strings to freedom of the press. This past week, two billionaires, who also own two of the most influential newspapers in the United States, showed that money can buy many things, but it can’t buy courage. The Washington Post’s motto is “Democracy Dies in the…
Following the crowd
October 30, 2024
Following the crowd is always an option. So is listening to all the talking heads out there tell you what to think, what to say, and what to do. To be honest, it’s hard not to hear them these days, but you don’t have to listen. In fact, I recommend it, especially if it leaves…
Rockin’ the Region with Jabbawaukee
October 30, 2024
Get extra use out of your Halloween costume and head to the Clear River Tavern the day after Halloween for their Day of the Dead party with the band Jabbawaukee at 9 p.m. The band, which hails from Rhode Island, will be making their debut at the Clear, and they’re very excited about it. Jabbawaukee…
Celebrating family in Provence
October 24, 2024
During our month and a half near Marseille in the tranquil village of Allauch we’ve been embraced by the Pascal family who’ve included us in their lives and celebration. We first met Colette and Jean-Paul 12 years ago at an organic Florida farm stand. We’ve often reunited since that day in Florida, Vermont, and Avignon,…
Fall Insect Pests
October 23, 2024
By Ann Hazelrigg, Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Vermont When the weather turns cold, four common insect invaders may appear uninvited in your home. None of them breed in the house or cause any damage to humans, pets, food items, or structures. These nuisance pests are looking for a warm, protected place to overwinter…
The Not-So-Itsy-Bitsy Joro Spider
October 23, 2024
‘Tis the season for spooky stories, and just in time for Halloween, the spider that news headlines have described as “giant,” “flying,” and “venomous” has made its way to New England. While it may be a nightmare for anyone with arachnophobia, the invasive Joro spider (Trichonephila clavata) is quite docile and, if given a choice,…