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Trees age in place; new techniques determine years

September 2, 2020
By Gary Salmon Aging in place, that’s exactly what trees do – from seed to standing dead. Some take longer than others but the difficulty lies in determining just how old a tree is at any point in time. For non-foresters the only way is to count the rings but that leaves you the answer…

Hiking Killington

September 2, 2020
By Merisa Sherman With my eyes focused upward, my feet found their places without hesitation. My feet didn’t need my eyes to tell them where the rocks and roots were, they just slid into place like they had so many times before. I felt my right femur swing outward, moving around a larger boulder and…

Chittenden Softball League sees walkoffs… and reverse walkoffs in playoff competition

September 2, 2020
By DJ Dave Hoffenberg In baseball and softball, players dream of winning with a walk-off. Definition: A walk-off occurs in softball when the home team takes the lead in the bottom of the seventh or extra innings. Because the visiting team will not get another turn at-bat, the game ends immediately, with the home team…

 Mastering the task at hand

September 2, 2020
By Dom Cioffi When I was in school, I never took a note. Not one. I relied on class memory, my ability to absorb content just prior to a test, and my capacity to BS. My son is exactly like me in that he also has never taken a note. However, his class memory is…

The disciple

September 2, 2020
By Sandra Dee Owens Before we begin, let me introduce my new column. My name is Sandra Dee Owens and I am a custom engagement and wedding ring designer, in the lower Champlain Valley town of Benson. Though interested in writing since the second grade, life took other directions until 10 years ago, when I…

Should you be in the market?

September 2, 2020
by Kevin Theissen Some people in recent weeks may have been feeling that “the stock market seems to be doing so well but I’m not participating.” A look behind the headlines helps tell the story. A CNBC study found that between the stock market high on Feb. 19, 2020—and the new market high on Aug.…

Garter snakes can be surprise guests

September 2, 2020
By Susan Shea One summer day I lifted the black plastic top of our composter and jumped back, startled – a large snake was curled up on top of the compost. The yellow stripe down the center of its dark back and two yellow stripes along its sides identified it as a garter snake, our…

Achieve your goals

August 26, 2020
By Cassnada Tyndall Like some kind of endurance test, this week you may feel challenged to continue with what you started. It may be a personal pursuit or a professional project that may require more energy, effort or time than you originally anticipated. As the first tense angle between Mars in Aries and Saturn in…

Killington Softball League game recaps

August 26, 2020
By DJ Dave Hoffenberg The playoffs are under way and they started with a highly contested battle between No. 2 seed Rock Warriors and No. 3 seed DTF, the defending champs. The game started with a blast by Tucker Zink, his first home run since game one. That fired up DTF and they added three…

How much will you need for retirement?

August 26, 2020
By Kevin Theissen “Will I outlive my retirement money?” That’s one of the top fears for people who are starting to prepare for their retirement years. So I have to tilt my head a bit when I see headlines that say, “Here’s how much money Americans think they need to retire comfortably.” $1.9 million is…

Time to buy spring bulbs

August 26, 2020
By Mary Ellen Shaw You may not be ready to think about spring bulbs when fall hasn’t arrived yet, but now is the time to do just that! Finding the bulbs you want amidst the pandemic could be a challenge. It’s a good idea to begin the quest now especially if you want a choice…

Amphibians Aglow

August 26, 2020
By Brett Amy Thelen The living light of bioluminescent organisms like fireflies, anglerfish, and marine plankton is legendary. The dazzling light shows put on by synchronous fireflies in Great Smoky Mountains National Park are so popular that park managers have had to institute a lottery system for viewing them. An entire recreation industry has grown…

Cruisin’ through the mountains

August 26, 2020
By Merisa Sherman I could feel my braid begin to whip around in all directions behind me as we took off from the stop, leaving the dirt drive and heading out onto the pavement. My right hip dropped toward the road as my left side body squinched in an effort to stay upright. Slowly, the power…

Life is a highway

August 26, 2020
By Dom Cioffi I had to take a lengthy drive recently — 14 hours to be exact. That’s a long time to sit in a car, no matter how comfortable the seats are. When my wife, son and I go on a road trip, I generally do all of the driving. I can do a…

Motivation is in the stars

August 19, 2020
By Cassandra Tyndall The brilliant and dynamic Leo New Moon may inspire a special kind of warmth and radiance that can boost your confidence, helping you be seen in a new light. Taking the lead in a situation may see your leadership skills affirmed or recognized. In addition, a fusion between the Sun and Mercury,…