Discover More from This Author: Polly

Hundreds protest peacefully downtown

June 10, 2020
Demonstrators call for an end to systemic racism in Rutland and beyond By Aliya Schneider Protestors were met with honking, cheering, and gestures of support as they protested along Main Street in Rutland on Sunday, June 7. “Black lives matter!”; “No Justice! No Peace!”; “Say his name. George Floyd” and  “Say her name. Breonna Taylor”…

Mountain Times – Volume 49, Number 24 – June 10-16, 2020

June 10, 2020
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Vermont recruiter reflects on Army career and 245 years of history

June 10, 2020
By Mikie Perkins, Albany Recruiting Battalion When the first Continental Congress founded the army in 1775, it was done to protect the original 13 colonies against invasion by the British. The U.S. Army continues to fight to protect Americans from aggressors 245 years later. It does so successfully because of soldiers who are dedicated and…

Seniors cause traffic jam

June 10, 2020
Dear Editor, A part-time, volunteer traffic director has been engaged to help get cars into the the Lookout parking lot in Killington. They are lining up with great expectation to pick up the take-out lunch that Joy Black has been preparing for the Killington Active Seniors ever since the coronavirus turned our lives upside down.…

I support Molly Gray for lieutenant governor

June 10, 2020
Dear Editor, Please join me in supporting Molly Gray to be the next lieutenant governor of Vermont! I am beyond thrilled that she is running and that she already has so much support, including the endorsement of former Gov. Madeleine Kunin. I’ve known Gray for about 10 years, ever since she was serving as a…

Think bigger, bolder – Let’s really revitalize downtown Rutland

June 10, 2020
Dear Editor, Vibrant. That’s a word you will never hear to describe Rutland, Vermont. A few months back the Rutland Herald published a letter from myself calling for the closing of Center Street between Wales and Merchants row for the summer months. I also had sent a letter to Brennan Duffy with the Rutland Development…

Removing water toxin could help usher in economic opportunity

June 10, 2020
Dear Editor, Many Rutlanders like myself believe that Rutland could lead the country in economic revitalization by voluntarily removing from our drinking water, the neurotoxic fluorosilicic acid, an industrial waste product that accumulates in our bodies over time. Our community have been drinking this poison in our city water since 1984. I was hopeful that…

Local restaurants paying it forward

June 10, 2020
Dear Editor, In the midst of a global pandemic and national unrest, there is still care and compassion for humankind. It is important to recognize the outpouring of help in the local Killington community that epitomizes the level of care needed for one another during these times. Bryan Gudelis and the staff of the Garlic…

Congratulations class of 2020

June 10, 2020
Dear Editor, Congratulations class of 2020!  What an extraordinary time this is. We know that every graduation from pre-school to advanced degrees is a benchmark in the life of a student filled with personal memories, but yours is one that will be remembered by the population at large. You are part of a global collective…

The right direction

June 10, 2020
Dear Editor, Donald Trump petulantly stalks out of pressers and haughtily betrays our allies and nemeses alike. In effect, he takes his marbles and goes home. Fine! We’ll just keep on playing. But in fact, there is a silver lining. And that is: the betrayed and disenfranchised are flexing their muscle with a new vigor.…

The pandemic underlines America’s ingrained racism

June 10, 2020
By Alon Ben-Meir The murder of George Floyd by a police officer in broad daylight came amid a high point in the continuing rampage of the coronavirus throughout the country, killing over 100,000 and infecting nearly 2 million while more than 45 million have lost their jobs. The death of Floyd is no longer seen…

Trump flails, America falls

June 10, 2020
By Angelo Lynn Donald Trump is a failed president. Americans are facing the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression of the 30s, the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918, and the worst civil unrest and protests since the riots of the late 1960s. It is no coincidence that these three calamities have…

AG Donovan urges Legislature to consider use-of-force reform bills

June 10, 2020
Attorney General T.J. Donovan sent a letter to Senator Tim Ashe, president pro tempore, and Representative Mitzi Johnson, Speaker of the House, on Wednesday, June 3, urging the Legislature to pass legislation to improve training of law enforcement and to study a change in the standard applied to police use-of-force incidents. In the letter, Donovan…

No Covid-19 at Mountain View Center, test result was a false positive

June 10, 2020
RUTLAND—At Governor Phil Scott’s press conference Monday, June 8, a reporter asked about a rumored positive case of Covid-19 associated with Mountain View Center located in Rutland. Health Commissioner Mark Levine, M.D., stated that there was a positive case, and that facility-wide testing was being planned. However, Dr. Levine was not aware that the test…

Business owners urge Legislature to give them a fighting chance and quickly release state assistance

June 10, 2020
Business owners from the restaurant, construction, retail and agricultural sectors held a press conference on Tuesday, June 2, to urge the Vermont state Legislature to act quickly to release much needed state financial assistance in the form of flexible grants. Various committees in the Legislature have been reviewing the Scott administration’s proposal for a $400…