On March 17, 2021

Step back from society’s expectations and reflect

By Cassandra Tyndall

It’s rarely an easy feeling when everything inside your soul tells you to pause, rest and reflect. That’s because way of the world these days wants you to push, achieve and attain. To go for anything less than that leads to feelings of guilt, failure or shame.

To take a step back to honor the intuitive space within is almost a radical act. To openly admit that you don’t want what the world tells you is “success.” To take a step back from all that you’ve achieved thus far. To choose home, children or family over progressing in your career. To choose quality over quantity. To choose time, rather than money. To choose a slower pace. To enjoy the journey rather than the destination. To choose the possibility of your dreams, even if the details aren’t clear.

Hot on the heels of a very Neptunian week, you may feel lethargic, but inspired. Confused, yet hopeful. Uncertain, yet sure. As communication planet Mercury slips into Pisces, your mind may continue to drift along the aethers of what logical or rational thinkers may call nonsense.

If you feel drawn to follow your own cyclic rhythms rather than a 24-hour rinse and repeat pattern, then this week may be ideal to start.

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