On January 9, 2019

Good fortune, new beginnings in house and home

After years of preparation reading feng shui books, it feels quite miraculous: I’m attacking every corner after assuming that the organizing gene in my family skipped me. But suddenly, as I flow through the house, putting like with like in containers that fit, I’m so in the flow, I can’t stop myself! From bath to bedroom closets and drawers, to kitchen, laundry room, and both halls, things have turned up that I thought were long lost, and for others, I see we have no earthly need. This may seem insignificant to you, but I’m tackling jobs I didn’t know I could do! (I haven’t entered my studio yet, but once I get up the nerve, it will be a cinch – fingers crossed)!

I feel I’m on the verge of something big, though what that may be, I haven’t a clue. I’ve prayed for this ability most of my life, so however this happened, I’m overjoyed. Isn’t it bizarre my own home revolution coincides with the U.S. House’s transition?

Feng shui teaches that clutter stagnates the energy in both home and life. It undermines goals and compromises health. Clearing and cleaning out the old makes space for new energy and growth. It opens us up to exciting opportunities. What a great way to begin the new year!

As each area of the house is tidied up, it will be fascinating to see what effects there will be. The Chinese bagua map divides the home up into nine sections, like tic-tac-toe. Each location represents different functions, like in the home’s center, which represents health. The bottom center relates to self and career, and clockwise from there are wisdom, legacy, money/self-empowerment, power/fame, love/relationships, children/creativity, and helpful people/compassion. Cleaning and clearing spaces in the home (and in each room) affects the corresponding aspects of life.

So if you’re ready to let fresh energy flow, if you’d like to invite new changes in, get out that dust cloth, trash can, and donation box, roll up your sleeves and jump right in. It feels so good to, at last, take control!

We live in a complicated world. Everyone needs a calm retreat that restores and heals hearts, bodies, and minds. As the House rids itself of old baggage and clutter, and restores balance and focus on America’s real needs, we have the power to simplify our surroundings, simplify our lives, be open to new beginnings, and pursue our goals with tenacity.

Marguerite Jill Dye is an artist and writer who duchess her time between the Green Mountains of Vermont and Florida’s Gulf Coast.

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