On January 22, 2025

The weight of hidden truths

There are three things that can never be hidden – the Sun, the Moon, and the truth. Some truths can be buried for a long time, seemingly forever banished. A hidden truth is akin to a lie. It torments. It infects. It taints. It grows until it becomes a beast that consumes you. Every lie and hidden truth eventually comes to light. It may take moments or a hundred years. The scariest part is that you never know when ghosts from the past will come back to haunt you. When the bright light of the Sun reveals all, there will still be people who’ll turn a blind eye to it. Deny it. Justify it. Play the game of whataboutisms to deflect the light. When the Ego chooses to double down on its position, no transformation can occur. This week and over the next few weeks, many lies will have the light of the truth cast upon them. Those who can face their cognitive dissonance and stretch their mind into a new reality that challenges all they were taught or told will be those who are truly ready for this new era. 

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