Some things can’t be hidden, such as the Moon, the Sun, and the stars. Try as it might, the truth also cannot be hidden, at least not forever.
This is very much about this new era. As the systems and structures embedded in society’s fabric increasingly reveal their irrelevance, we will all handle this period differently.
Some people want to burn it all down, no matter the cost, while others only care about protecting the system that protects them. In the middle are people like you and me, trying to live our lives while observing the madness of it all.
Rather than getting whipped up into the frenzy of it, your best bet really is to sit back, watch, observe and even be slightly amused by it all. Can you change any of this? Probably not! However, you can always change your reaction. Be curious. Be open. Be fascinated. Most importantly, don’t get yourself into the position that you have to be wrong for someone else to be right. More soapboxes are probably the last thing anyone needs right now.