On August 28, 2024

Proceed with caution

All the things that have been slow to gain momentum over the past few weeks look set to get back on track. The thoughts, the ideas and the logistics and plans that have been on the back burner are now back on the table. Reason being is that Mercury hits the brakes and starts to move in a forward direction again. This is what you can expect from all that has been stuck, stagnant or just plain frustrating recently.

That said, things may not be as simple as they appear. There is still the potentiality for things to go a little haywire or not quite how you expected. So, do expect the unexpected. A change of mind or a change of heart may be required.

As one area of life slowly starts to move forward, so does another. The topic of relationships, diplomacy and going along to get along also looks favorable. That said, there is a catch here, too. Don’t make a deal, a decision, a contract or arrangement that you aren’t prepared to go all in on. This may be a case of speak now or forever hold your peace.

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