People avoid being honest. There are many reasons for it, most of them go unrecognized. You might think it’s not to hurt anyone’s feelings. Maybe it’s in an attempt to be polite or not rock the boat. It’s also possible that they choose to rationalize it away rather than connecting with what their intuition tells them.
What many people fail to admit is that to be frank, direct and honest also means that rejection is also very possible. What if he/she won’t like me anymore or take offense and react in a negative way? What if I lose Instagram followers? When you really dig into it, a lack of honesty often comes from fear, a lack of worthiness.
It doesn’t matter if it’s your partner, lover, boss, friend or social media following, this week brings the chance to get crystal clear about an issue that you might be otherwise tempted to turn a blind eye to. But, at what cost? Yes, there’s always a price to pay.
Failure to address even the smallest details or ask a question will only harbor future resentments. This week, be mindful of what you choose to ignore or the price will be more than you’re willing to pay.