On November 22, 2023

Cosmic Catalogue: The truth will come out


No matter the era in time, no matter the race, the religion or the place you occupy on the globe, the most persecuted are always those who tell the truth. People say they want the truth, but you know how that goes… “You can’t handle the truth.” They believe in justice, in democracy, in freedom, in humanity. However, when the truth is presented right before their very eyes, they’ll still deny it. Cognitive dissonance kicks in and the ego doubles down and an issue gets no closer to being resolved. 

It’s a flaw in the human condition. It’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled. This week and most likely for the rest of 2023, a lot of truth is going to come out and a lot of people are not going to like it. 

You see, truth doesn’t come gift wrapped with a pretty bow on top. Whether the truth arrives via the word or the sword, once it comes, it’s your responsibility to listen and to not look away. If you still choose to double down on the lies you’ve been told and the ideologies you’ve been sold, for the love of God, at least remember your heart.

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