On November 8, 2023

Cosmic Catalogue: Be the calm


In an ideal world, we’d all like things to go smoothly. To go the way we want, the way we imagine and the way we aspire things to be. Progress of any kind is never linear. So why is it we beat ourselves up, get ourselves in an emotional state or even worse, play victim when things don’t go our way? Having expectations of anything other than our own responses and actions is a kind of self-imposed purgatory.
If things aren’t going your way right now, an adult version of a temper tantrum is never a good look. What is a good look? Poise. Elegance. Sophistication. The ability to see more than one perspective also shows that you actually care rather than signaling virtue. There are always three sides to every story — his side, her side and the truth. Things are never what they seem at face value. Emotional responses are easy. Responses that are well thought out, consider all angles and are enacted with diplomacy are hard. Thinking is hard, which is why most people judge.
Despite this salty message, the peace you seek comes from you. Be the listener rather than the talker (or the poser). Be the calm in someone else’s storm. 

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