By Cassandra Tyndall
Astrologically speaking, it’s an amazingly quiet week. That said, there will be one area of your life where you’re pressed to strike a balance between the old and the new. This is because 2021’s major influence of Saturn square Uranus becomes active once again. You might notice some frustration or tension rise to the surface. Maybe it’s a feeling or restlessness that’s beginning to boil over again. If that’s the case for you, this week is an invitation to pay closer attention to what may need to shift or change in your life.
With Mercury still retrograde, the key is curiosity. If you’re confronted, rather than become defensive, try asking a question, as you may not have all the information you need. If you’re spinning your wheels, not knowing what you need to do to scratch the proverbial itch, go inwards or meditate.
If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. Remember that if you find yourself moving through life simply by force of habit. If you catch yourself doing X, Y or Z because it’s habitual or familiar, stop and switch things up a little. Even the smallest changes have the capacity to compound over time.