On February 17, 2021

Straddling the tension

Up until now, February has been marked by a kind of cosmic holding pattern. So many ideas filtering through the ether about how things could and should be, but wth  little means for making progress or taking action.

Fortunately, this week brings the much-needed break in the weather. Mercury, the planet of communication and logistics, concludes its first reverse cycle for 2021. In addition, the sun enters Pisces, signaling the darkest days of winter are now in the rearview.

That being said, there is still a feeling of inertia to overcome and problems to work on. The first of three dynamic connections between Saturn and Uranus that are a key feature of this year, come to a head this week. Straddling the tension between taking a risk and remaining with the familiar will be something each of us will have to negotiate.
Keep in mind, just because something is shiny and new doesn’t mean it’s the solution to all problems. Nor it is to be assumed that something that has stood the test of time is rendered obsolete.

Negotiating, compromising or finding a sense of connection will come from considering a perspective other than your own. This week, you may discover you’ll catch more flies with honey, than you will with vinegar.

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