On February 22, 2017

The Russians are coming!

By Marguerite Jill Dye

I’ve considered trying my hand at writing fiction for a change, but who needs fiction when each day brings a stranger-than-life, unimaginable reality? A Russian spy ship is just offshore and our democratic election and computers were hacked by our arch enemy from the Cold War. Whether we’re uncovering Russiagate or the Kremlingate, whether entering a partyocracy or a kleptocracy, I thought a Russian Primer might come in handy.
Let’s start with a few easy words: Yes – Д (da), No – Нет (nyet), Hello – Здравствуй (ZDRA-stvooy), Goodbye – До свидания (da svi-DA-ni-ya).
I wonder what Rutland’s Russian sister city will be? As for Killington, perhaps a sister ski resort, one of 22 in the Ural Mountains? Will skiers soon wear those big fur hats, which animal rights activists will most certainly protest. Will borscht will be served in our restaurants and vodka become our No. 1 drink? Perhaps business will boom with the influx of dough since the Russian mafia will soon run the show. It may be confusing to know who’s who, which spies are double, who’s ours, who’s theirs. Of course Comrade Trump, the most powerful man, is also becoming the world’s wealthiest one along with his family of trusted advisors.
After all, our democracy’s had a good run, but apparently it was time to move on.
When my husband handed me the March issue of  The Atlantic  magazine, the feature article by David Frum, titled “How to Build an Autocracy,” in bold letters, jumped out at me. It stated “A would-be kleptocrat is better served by spreading cynicism than by deceiving followers.”
Ah ha, I thought. I’ve been infected by Trumpitis and am suffering from the symptom of cynicism! If you’ve read my column for any time you know I’ve supported President Obama, and I’d be a happy camper now hailing President Hillary Clinton. My hair wouldn’t be quite as grey and there’d be fewer pounds around my middle. The man in the White House is stressing me out!
Constitutional, former right-winger, conservative David Frum understands what’s happening in Washington D.C. and projects in his Atlantic article to 2021 when Trump is on the verge of being sworn in again. Our “law and order” candidate will thwart the law to protect himself and his inner circle. He’ll crack down on his “opposition” of truth-seeking reporters and the “fake news media.” By knowingly provoking civil unrest he’ll stoke fear to gain supremacy. Our liberty is being “threatened by the slow, demoralizing process of corruption and deceit … We are living through the most dangerous challenge to the free government of the United States that anyone alive has encountered.” Frum ends his article with this admonition, “Don’t be afraid. This moment of danger can also be your finest hour as a citizen and an American.”
So let’s try to not be cynical, fearful, or discouraged and remember we’re not alone. Let’s allow our thoughts to be lifted up. I’ll conclude with this “Angel Post”:
A new day is dawning on the earth. Much movement is underway. A fomenting of energy for the good is erupting and moving your way. People saying “no” to the negative are affirming the positive good. Their energy’s growing in unison to bring about change on earth.
The truth will come out when the time is ripe. It may take a little while. Each player’s motives and views will be seen for what they really are. Some are corrupt and committed to values that are against your own, while others have been used and abused, forced to abide by the stronger one’s will.
You may see anger and heated debate. You may see hatred and greed. But deep underneath this discontent is a new reality. The negative brings out the positive. It makes people want to stand up for all that is right and good in the world with a wish: may justice take hold. May people revere and respect one another. May empathy flow like a stream. May peace prevail and compassion rule as each one honors the other’s soul.
“What is coming?” you may ask. “Is this happening now?” The transformation of the earth is well underway. Have you noticed how many people have passed before this shakeup occurred? They each have a role to facilitate the changes as they occur. Many hands are needed both here and there to orchestrate such change. Angels and other recruits are here to lend their helping hands. Your role is vital: step up and stand up for all you believe has worth. For now is the time it matters the most for your future and that of the earth.
Marguerite Jill Dye, author and artist, believes in the U.S. Constitution and the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights and that everyone has an innate divine spark and deserves to be treated with justice, kindness, compassion, and respect. She lives in Vermont and Florida with her husband Duane.


Photo by Marguerite Jill Dye

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