On June 9, 2021

Revise and reorientate

By Cassandra Tyndall

The old adage, “If you do what you’ve always done, then you’ll get what you’ve always gotten,” will likely ring true this week. While it is a New Moon that can symbolize a time to plant seeds for future growth, it is also a Solar Eclipse, June 10. Generally speaking, this isn’t a week to attend to any of your usual manifestation rituals, set intentions or start new things. Instead, rethink, revise and reorient yourself toward the direction you really want to head in. 

A lot of things will soon be shaken up, so getting your heart and mind aligned can help you navigate the seas ahead. It’s normal for a sailing ship to drift off course occasionally. However, it’s a wise captain who keeps an eye on the destination while remaining intuitive to the changing weather patterns on the horizon, who’ll get to the other side of the journey safe, sound and intact. 

This week is ideal for figuring out the ways in which you may need to adjust your own sails, so you get to the place you want to go rather than remaining confused, stuck or discombobulated. Any delays or snafus regarding logistics or paperwork could be a blessing in disguise.

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