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Surprise! Recycling is thriving in Vermont

September 8, 2021
By Reagan Bissonnette You have likely heard about the supposed death of recycling in recent years. But have you heard that recycling is actually thriving again? If this comes as a surprise to you, you’re not alone. I recently read a local article with outdated and inaccurate information about recycling markets. So I thought I’d…

Vermont’s economy depends on women

September 8, 2021
By Cary Brown, Meg Smith, Rhoni Basden, Jessica Nordhaus and Aly Richards Editor’s note: Cary Brown is the executive director of the Vermont Commission on Women; Meg Smith is the director of the Vermont Women’s Fund; Rhoni Basden is the executive director of Vermont Works for Women; Jessica Nordhaus is the director of Change The…

Save our trees to save ourselves

September 8, 2021
Dear Editor, Forest ecologists estimate that if you let a New England farm field go fallow, it takes natural succession about 120 years to re-establish a healthy soil biome, but even that will be but a pale shadow of the mature complex food web that once existed under the bowers of the ancient giants. The…

All it takes is one; living in a dichotomy 

September 8, 2021
Dear Editor, One of my dearest writer friends in life passed away early in the pandemic. She lived in an upscale senior community that provides care on every level. I wonder which worker or health provider may have carried Covid to her locked room? Everyone was restricted to remain in their apartment or room. Might…

From crisis comes opportunity: What I’ve heard from Vermonters

September 8, 2021
By Lt. Governor Molly Gray A year and a half after the onset of the pandemic, Vermont remains in the midst of ongoing recovery efforts. While there is so much uncertainty about the future, one thing we can be sure of is that our state is in a unique position to emerge from this pandemic…

Remembering Chef Claude

September 1, 2021
By Royal Barnard, Editor Emeritus I am saddened to learn that the Killington Region has lost a wonderful and important person. I, and other “pioneer” Killington residents and visitors, met Claude Blais when he became chef at the once popular Alpine Inn on the Killington Road in the mid 1960s.  Claude migrated to Killington from…

The facts that matter

September 1, 2021
Dear Editor, Julie Wasserman recently laid out a wise series of questions that we should be asking in assessing Vermont’s current healthcare reform efforts. Among them: “What portion of school budget increases are attributable to the rising cost of health care?” Good question. But why limit it school budgets? Healthcare costs also contribute to budgets for police,…

Tour de Slate raised $64K

September 1, 2021
Dear Editor, Yep! You read it right! The 2021 ride itself raised $32,000 and then it was matched by a generous anonymous donor! So total benefit to Teen Challenge is $64,000! Thank you! Thank You! and again Thank You! Your kindness and generosity will obviously go a long way in helping to change lives from…

Hunting bears with hounds harms many species

September 1, 2021
Dear Editor, Many of us in Vermont do not look forward to the bear hunt that begins Sept. 1 and runs through mid-November. It’s one of the longest in the country. Vermont allows bears to be pierced with arrows, shot from trees, hunted with packs of hounds, just to name a few horrors. Females with…

Frustrated with Bridgewater’s elected officials

September 1, 2021
Dear Editor, I read with interest and disappointment your lead article on the controversy at the Bridgewater Select Board meeting. The disappointment is that we did not expect our local government to emulate what sadly enough we are seeing on the national scene. One would think that the simplicity of the issues and the immediate…

Universal masking in schools should not be a debate

September 1, 2021
Editor’s note: This commentary is by five medical doctors, Meghan Gunn, Ebrahim Ghazali, Judy Orton, Ann Marie Swann and Jaclyn Lozier; Kelsey Pierce and Emily Rice, physician's assistants; Bridget Bromirski, pediatric nurse practitioner; and Lynn Mann, doctor of osteopathic medicine. We are writing this in response to the many “anti-masking in school” groups that have…

Delta challenges Scott’s approach

September 1, 2021
By Eric Davis The Vermont Department of Health reported on Tuesday, Aug. 31, that there were 968 new cases of Covid-19 reported in the state over the past week, and that there were 36 people hospitalized with Covid. The count of new cases and hospitalizations in Vermont is now the highest it has been since…

Without child care, the economy is clearly going to suffer

August 25, 2021
By Chloe Learey In 2012, the Local Child Care Planning Council of Humboldt County in California uploaded its video “A Day Without ChildCare” to YouTube. Nearly 10 years later, the points it raised are even more salient, especially magnified by the Covid-19 pandemic. The premise is basic: People who do not have child care are…

Let’s lead on refugee resettlement, too

August 25, 2021
By Lewis Mudge Vermonters should be proud that we continue to outpace the country in vaccines. I say we double down and once again show the rest of the country how we are a little state with big ideas. I tip my hat to Gov. Scott’s recent request to the White House for more refugees…

If the city owned CSJ, many needs would be fulfilled

August 25, 2021
Dear editor, During last Wednesday’s community meeting on Aug. 11 in Rutland’s gym at St. Joseph’s College, there were many stupendous ideas expressed on ways to spend the initial $4.4 million Covid funds that will be coming to Rutland City. Rutland Free Library needs money to modernize the building and its technology. Main Street Park…